
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Breath sounds made easy.


To understand breath sounds ,we should first stress on the Anatomy & Physiology of lungs.This is important as we have to know where & how & why these sounds are produced.Don't forget to check the Audio links at the end of the post.

Lobes of Lung & their surface markings:

The right & left lung are divided by deep fissures into lobes.

Right lung Left lung
  • 3 lobes
  • 2 lobes
  • 2 fissures: oblique& horizontal
  • only oblique fissure
  • oblique fissure separates the lower lobe from upper& middle lobe.
  • horizontal fissure between upper& middle lobe.
  • oblique fissure separates the upper& lower lobe.

 lung 3d


Surface markings:

This is very important for us to localize the lesion in lung.

Anterior lung markingsposterior lung markingsright lung markingsleft lung marking

 Areas of Auscultation:

areas of auscultation in frontareas of auscultation back


Breath Sounds:


Abnormal Adventitious
Tracheal Absent/decreased normal breath sounds Crackles (rales)

Bronchial sounds in abnormal areas.

Bronchovesicular Rhonchi

Normal Breath Sounds

            To be able to distinguish between types of abnormal breath sounds and know their location, it is important to understand normal respiration and its effect on airway noises that make up breath sounds.

  • Normal respiratory cycle

respiraory cycle

  • The inspiratory phase is shorter with faster airflow.
  • The majority of breath sounds, both normal and adventitious, are in the range of 16 to 200 Hz. This is at the lower end of the spectrum of normal hearing (16 to 16,000 Hz).
  • The sensitivity of the human ear in detecting low-frequency sound is relatively poor; thus, breath sounds are difficult to appreciate even with the stethoscope.


Normal Breath Sounds Normal Location of Sound Sound Quality Distinguishing Characteristic Diagram
Tracheal Only heard over the trachea. loud, harsh like air is being blown through a pipe. Expiration slightly longer than inspiration with similar loudness & a pause between. tracheal sound
Bronchial present over the large airways & thus heard over the body of the sternum these sounds are more tubular and  high pitched than vesicular sounds, but not as harsh as tracheal breath sounds.

Expiratory sounds are louder & last longer than inspiratory sounds & have a short pause between inspiration and expiration sounds

bronchial sound
Bronchovesicular heard in the posterior chest between the scapulae and in the first & second intercostal spaces anteriorly. medium pitched Inspiration & expiration sounds equal in length& loudness.these sounds are different from vesicular since they have a pause between inspiration & expiration. bronchovesicular sound
Vesicular heard throughout most of the lung fields( Periphery of lungs) soft, low pitched, or rustling sounds normally Inspiration sound is longer & louder than expiration sound without a pause between them. vesicular sound

You can have a peek into the various sounds for better understanding by pressing the image below.

 breath sounds


Important :Now you may get the doubt that "why the Vesicular sounds have increased inspiratory time& loudness than expiration sounds which is contradictory to what we have learnt in the beginning of the post about Respiratory cycle?"

The reason is in the below image-

Vesicular sound mechanism

Abnormal Breath sounds:

Abnormal breath sounds

The above so called Normal Breath sounds are considered normal only when they are heard in their respective places ,if they are heard in a different place ,they are abnormal.

Bronchial sounds:

  • When auscultated in other areas, bronchial breath sounds are an abnormal finding.
  • They are heard over areas of consolidation, as solid lung conducts the sound of turbulence in main airways to peripheral areas without filtering.
  • Occasionally breath sounds over a large cavity have an exaggerated bronchial quality. This very hollow or amphoric sound has been likened to that heard when air passes over the top of a hollow jar (Greek amphoreus).  
Causes of bronchial breath sounds( ie, in areas other than over body of sternum)


Lung consolidation (lobar pneumonia)


Localised pulmonary fibrosis

Pleural effusion (above the fluid)

Collapsed lung (eg: adjacent to a pleural effusion)



  • Added lung sounds are divided into two general groups: discontinuous sounds, which are 250 milliseconds or less in duration, and continuous sounds, which last longer than 250 milliseconds .
  • Discontinuous sounds are further classified as either coarse or fine crackles; continuous sounds, as either wheezes & rhonchi.


  • explosive, sharp, discrete bursts of interrupted sound.
  • Their pattern is remarkably constant and cannot be destroyed by coughing.
  • Crackles are divided into two types depending on their acoustic properties.
Fine Crackles Coarse Crackles
sounds like the crackling noise made when salt is heated on a frying pan. sound of water being poured from a bottle.
On auscultation fine crackles are in general higher pitched, less intense and of shorter duration than coarse crackles. coarse crackles are in general lower pitched, less intense and of longer duration than fine crackles.
The probable mechanism for the production of fine crackles is as follows. During inspiration, the air pressure on the "upstream" (mouth) side increases until it is able to overcome the forces that are closing the bronchiole. When this occurs, the airway snaps open as the pressure between the bronchiole and the alveolus is equalized . The resulting vibration in the airway causes a discrete, sharp sound of very short duration. The bubbling sound of coarse crackles is produced when air passes over secretions in the larger airways (trachea and bronchi).
Fine crackles are usually appreciated only during inspiration. Since air flows through the airways during inspiration and expiration, coarse crackles are more likely to be detected during both phases of the respiratory cycle.
  The most common conditions associated with coarse crackles are congestive heart failure and pneumonia,Bronchiectasis.

  • Consistent with its mechanism ,crackles are typically predominant in lung bases ,where the transpulmonary pressure is lowest & parenchyma less distended.
  • As hundreds of airways open sequentially, the characteristic crackling sound is produced. The sound of fine crackles can be simulated by rubbing a lock of hair between your fingers.

Some clinicians maintain that the timing of onset of crackles aids in the differential diagnosis of parenchymal and airways-disease.

  • Crackles auscultated during early inspiration are thought to be more indicative of airways disease, such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.
  • Crackles auscultated during late inspiration are more suggestive of parenchymal disorders, such as pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pneumonitis, and pneumonia.
Early inspiratory crackles Mid to Late inspiratory crackles
Dependent atelectasis Bronchiectasis

Restrictive lung diseases

  • asbestosis
  • idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
  • sarcoidosis
  • scleroderma lung disease
Asthma pulmonary edema



  1. wheeze
  2. rhonchi


Wheezes are divided according to timing in respiratory cycle & actual sound produced ( monophonic or polyphonic)

Polyphonic wheeze:

  • the most common type
  • typical of COPD & asthma
  • multiple simultaneous different pitched sounds occur during expiration & signify diffuse  airway disease

Fixed monophonic wheeze:

  • note of single pitch resulting from narrowing of a single airway
  • sound does not change with coughing
  • seen in tumor or foreign body case

Sequential inspiratory wheeze:SQUAWKS

  • caused by vibration after opening of previously closed airway
  • typical of extrinsic allergic alveolitis


  • Stridor is a continuous, high-pitched monophonic sound heard throughout respiration; this sound is accentuated during inspiration.
  • implies local obstruction to extra-thoracic airways (which tend to collapse on inspiration)
  • often implies carcinoma or foreign body in major airways




Pleural rub:

  • The visceral and parietal pleurae normally move silently against each other during respiration. However, when the pleurae are inflamed, the two thickened surfaces produce vibrations as they move irregularly over each other.
  • A pleural rub is the sound produced by the motion of inflamed pleurae. It tends to be a loud, grating sound confined to a relatively small area of the chest wall. A pleural rub is usually heard during inspiration and expiration.
  • A pleural rub has also been described as a leathery sound. Usually, the inspiratory and expiratory components of the rub can be readily heard.
  • When effusion separates the two pleural surfaces, the rub may disappear. However, the disappearance of a pleural rub does not necessarily mean that the pleural inflammation itself has resolved.

A pericardial rub usually has three components (atrial systole, ventricular systole, and ventricular diastole); it can usually be distinguished from a pleural rub by having the patient hold his breath. During breath-holding, a pleural rub disappears but a pericardial rub persists.

Mediastinal crunch (Hamman's sign)

  • grating, crunching sound heard in the center of the anterior chest. The sound coincides with the heartbeat and signifies the presence of free air in the mediastinum. The pathogenesis of mediastinal crunch is not clear, however, it may involve compression of the air by the beating heart and the mediastinal structures.
  • heard over the precordium in spontaneous mediastinal emphysema.
  • This sound is heard best over the left lateral position. It has been described as a series of precordial crackles that correlate with the heart beat and not the respirations. Hamman's crunch is caused by pneumomediastinum or pneumopericardium, and is associated with tracheobronchial injury due to trauma, medical procedures (e.g., bronchoscopy) or proximal pulmonary bleb rupture. It is commonly seen in Boerhaave syndrome.

Transmitted voice sounds:

Egophony, bronchophony, and pectoriloquy all refer to auscultatory signs that can be heard over areas of pulmonary consolidation. The pathogenesis of these signs relates to the increased sound transmission through the consolidated lung. This results in transmission of sound-from the larger bronchi through the consolidated lung to the periphery without significant loss in sound quality.

Transmitted voice sounds Location of sound Method of elicitation Reason( since sound travels faster & better in solids, liquids compared to in air)
Egophony over consolidated lung tissue elicited by having the patient say the letter "E' while you listen with the stethoscope. When egophony is present the "E" sounds like "A." Mass/exudate in the lungs enables greater transmission of sound of patient repeating letter "E"
Bronchophony over consolidated lung tissue demonstrated by having the patient say a phrase as you auscultate; "ninety-nine" is the conventional phrase. The sound will be indistinct and muffled over the normal lung. However, the "ninety-nine" will be heard distinctly over the consolidated lung, without loss of clarity. Mass/exudate in the lungs enables greater transmission of sound of patient repeating number "99"
Whispering Pectoriloquy over consolidated lung tissue similar to bronchophony, except it is usually elicited by having the patient say the phrase "one, two, three." The phrase will be muffled and indistinct when you auscultate over the normal lung and clearly audible when you auscultate over an area of consolidation. Mass/exudate in the lungs enables greater transmission of sound of patient whispering




  • The common obstructive diseases of the lung - chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma - can frequently be distinguished solely on the basis of the physical examination.
  • Patients with chronic bronchitis commonly have noisy chests because of crackles and wheezes. The breath sounds are vesicular in nature, however, there is a prolonged expiratory phase, which generally correlates with the degree of obstruction. Breath sounds at the mouth will be heard at normal intensity.
  • Patients with emphysema, on the other hand, present with a relatively quiet chest. Breath sounds are vesicular but significantly reduced in intensity Adventitious sounds are unusual unless bronchitis or asthma is present.
  • The expiratory phase of vesicular breath sounds is similarly prolonged, however, breath sounds heard at the mouth are usually reduced, in contrast to what is normally heard with chronic bronchitis or asthma.
  • Polyphonic Wheezing is the hallmark of clinical asthma & COPD. In patients with mild or early asthma, wheezing is usually heard over the central airways only during expiration. As bronchospasm worsens, the wheezes are heard over the entire chest and in both phases of respiration. The breath sounds are vesicular, and there is a prolonged expiratory phase that tends to correlate with the degree of bronchial obstruction. Breath sounds heard at the mouth are of normal intensity. Interstitial pneumonitis and fibrosis are characterized by the presence of fine inspiratory crackles. With early or mild disease, the crackles are heard at end-inspiration; however, as the disease progresses, they may occupy more of the inspiratory cycle - it is often difficult to hear the underlying breath sounds because of the intensity of the crackles in interstitial fibrosis, but the sounds are vesicular with no prolongation of expiration.
  • Pulmonary consolidation, as in lobar pneumonia, yields bronchial breath sounds over the affected area. Also, coarse or fine crackles may be heard. Expiration is not prolonged unless obstructive disease exists.
  • Left-sided heart failure. Pulmonary congestion associated with left sided heart failure is characterized by transudative fluid in the interstitium and alveoli. The bronchial mucosa may also be swollen.
  • Breath sounds in left-sided heart failure are vesicular, although they sometimes have a prolonged expiratory phase secondary to bronchial mucosal edema. Fine crackles are heard in mild to moderate pulmonary edema, while coarse crackles and polyphonic wheezes occur in severe pulmonary edema.
  • Pleural effusion. Pleural fluid or pleural thickening muffles the transmission of all lung sounds to the periphery. Vesicular sounds are decreased or absent Because the adjacent lung is compressed, bronchial breath sounds are sometimes heard at the area just above the pleural effusion. The reason for this is,the compressed edematous lung, which is immediately above the effusion, acts as a consolidation and causes increased sound transmission.
  • Pneumothorax. With a small or mild pneumothorax, decreased vesicular breath sounds may be heard on the side that is affected. Breath sounds are absent if a more extensive pneumothorax is present.

links to breath sounds audio:

  • Auscultation assistant:The Auscultation Assistant provides heart sounds, heart murmurs, and breath sounds in order to help medical students and others improve their physical diagnosis skills.

auscultation assistant

 basic lung sounds


 rale repository


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Unknown said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from SARCOIDOSIS DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR HOPE I have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 2 weeks which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can email him on or call him on this Tel. Number :+2348131652960. He also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below: HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS DIABETES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,HIV/AIDS SIPHILIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV),cerebrospinal meningitis,Chagas Disease,Alzheimer’s disease,Schizophrenia,or any kind of disease at all.

Unknown said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from SARCOIDOSIS DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR HOPE I have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 2 weeks which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can email him on or call him on this Tel. Number :+2348131652960. He also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below: HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS DIABETES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,HIV/AIDS SIPHILIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV),cerebrospinal meningitis,Chagas Disease,Alzheimer’s disease,Schizophrenia,or any kind of disease at all.

cassie said...

I'm so happy and thankful to the great Dr HOPE for making me a free woman from herpes virus. previously i met with one man and we had sex and condom broke and after that he told me he had a Genital Warts virus. i was mad i broke up with him and was looking for a way to help myself. i met a herbal Dr in India and he gave me medicine. but at the end of the period nothing happened. i was fed up of trying thinking they are all the same fake doctors. i was wrong. until one very evening i reading through a (Grace church guestbook) then i saw thousand of amazing testimonies and i was surprise. but i wrote to him and he replied telling me how i can get his medicine after which i receive and used for 2weeks and was confirm by the same doctor who first tested me positive. Now confirm there is no trace of any disease in me, behold i was negative. i am writing to spread my experience with Dr HOPE and i wish you will also do the same, you can contact him via

Anonymous said...

hello everyone in this forum i am little bit ashamed to share this marvelous story about a great spell caster who helped me enlarge my small penis size through his herbal mixture cream,i was heartbroken before because i have a very small penis about 3 inches which was so annoying and shameful i could not satisfy my wife in bed ,,my marriage was really breaking and i needed help urgently,i have used pills,vaccines,drugs,surgery but none one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about how Mr MARK HENRY from UK testified of how he helped him enlarge his penis and also cured his MOM diabetes type 2 disease,,i contacted him through his email he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the herbal cream to me through UPS and i received it within 4 days and used the herbal cream for just 14 days to my greatest surprise my penis that was 3 inches before enlarge to 10.5 inches long when fully erected ,for just two weeks of using his herbal mixture cream ,,wow my wife loved me more and was so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than before thank you so much DR James for making life a better one to live in if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email or whatsapp and call him on +2349055637784 thanks

andy said...

God bless Dr. Afaiya for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2015 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Afaiya, how he cured HERPES DIABETES and CANCER with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my healing, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by and 14 days later i was cured from HERPES, Dr. Afaiya truly you are great, do you need his help also? Why don't you contact him through

fear said...

tried all I can to get cured but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a
health forum about a herbal man is name is DR EBOS who prepare herbal
medication to cure all kind of diseases including MALADY DISEASE,H.I.V/AIDS,charm to get EX - back,at first
i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this
Herbal Man at, he prepared a Herbal Cure and sent
it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal cure, he gave me
steps and directions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i
was totally cured of this deadly disease within 14 days of usage, I am now
free from the deadly disease, all thanks to DR.EBOS. Contact him for
herbal cure, spell cast and malady disease at via his email: you also reach him via his mobile number
+2347033209473 and as well whatsapp.

Unknown said...

My Name is Sarah Palin, And this is my Testimony of how i was cured by Dr.Hope the great traditional herbal medicine man. I have being seeing series of testimonies and the wonderful work Dr Hope has been doing in people lives. This made me contacted him because i have been suffering from herpes virus for a long time now, And When i contacted Dr.Hope, he assured me that he is going to cure me, and he told me all i needed to do, without wasting time i did all he ask of me, So i started taking his medications. And to my greatest surprise within just one month and one weeks i was totally cured and now i am free from any kind of virus I am happy and Glad to say that Dr.Hope is really a great and trust worthy man. You can reach him with this Email Address: or contact him through,Text Message or call his Tel.No: +2348131652960. He said he is also Specialize in curing Any kinds of disease like: HERPES CURE, DIABETES, CANCER, HEPATITIS, HIV/AIDS
SIPHILIS, EPILEPSY, SARCOIDOSIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV). Or any other disease you are suffering from.

Ella Bruce said...

I made a promise to tell my testimony all over the globe once my man come back to me and my husband came just as Great Mother told me when she helped me. I made the right choice to have contacted Great Mother the great spell caster who is capable of helping you solve your problems. My man left me to suffer and i never believed that he will come back to me again but when i contacted Great Mother she assured me that my man will come again. She gave me some list of items to buy but i could not get them in my country and so i sent her the money and she bought the items and prepared the perfect love spell. My husband ran back to me in 3 days time begging for forgiveness THIS IS SO REAL AND GENUINE. NO SCAMS. I was so surprise that the spell worked just as she told me. This is so amazing and i want you to believe because Great Mother is so real and i urge you contact her now on her email so that she can also help you the way she helped me. Her email is and you can also contact her with her phone number on whats app +2348078359876 you can also check and contact her on

I made a promise to tell my testimony all over the globe once my man come back to me and my husband came just as Great Mother told me when she helped me. I made the right choice to have contacted Great Mother the great spell caster who is capable of helping you solve your problems. My man left me to suffer and i never believed that he will come back to me again but when i contacted Great Mother she assured me that my man will come again. She gave me some list of items to buy but i could not get them in my country and so i sent her the money and she bought the items and prepared the perfect love spell. My husband ran back to me in 3 days time begging for forgiveness THIS IS SO REAL AND GENUINE. NO SCAMS. I was so surprise that the spell worked just as she told me. This is so amazing and i want you to believe because Great Mother is so real and i urge you contact her now on her email so that she can also help you the way she helped me. Her email is and you can also contact her with her phone number on whats app +2348078359876 you can also check and contact her on

Unknown said...

Quick Cure
I will advice you to contact Dr BUDE Temple (BUDESPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM OR BUDESPELLTEMPLE@HOTMAIL.COM ) where all problems are solve without stress and delay. My family was getting drawn in sickness, From my wife, we were all affected one after the other and medical prescription was not helping us. Till a friends doctor direct us to contact Dr BUDE for quick cure and total cleaning. Dr BUDE is a miracle worker. It is never too late with Dr BUDE contact him today with { BUDESPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM OR BUDESPELLTEMPLE@HOTMAIL.COM}
He also Cure
1) HIV/AIDs Virus
2) Hepatitis B and C
3) Herpes
4) Cancer
8) Erectile Dysfunction
9) Trichomoniasis
10) Chlaydia
11) Gonorrhea
12) HBV
13) Syphilis

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable Miracle. I don't know why our medical doctor say there is no remedy for HSV 1&2 Disease,i can now boldly say there is a cure for HSV 1&2 with the help of Dr Akuna Herbal medicine, i was cured of my HSV 1&2 after i contacted it from my girlfriend. we never use any protection and after one month i saw a something under my private part and i was very scared i went to my doctor and showed him. he perform a test and my result was HSV 1&2 Positive. friends this was not easy for me, i was so much angry and i asked my girl and she told me she was sorry, that she couldn't loose me that why she never reveal it to me. i didn't blame her much for the mistake. so i went in search for a medicine to help myself, met with some native traditional doctors they conducted many rituals and gave me medicine to take but i was still Positive. One morning i was on friend website, i saw a lady testimony about Dr Akuna herbal medicine. i didn't believe so i went to see for myself,wrote to him and asked if he could really cure me and my girlfriend, Dr Akuna responded swiftly and told me to relax that he would make sure i get myself cured and of my girl also. After 3days i received my herbal medicine and we both used it. Dr Akuna said after 2weeks we should go and test ourselves again. we did and we were shocked when we were told we are negative by the same doctor that tested me negative. Here is the catch friends,Dr Akuna does not require your money only for the herbs he need to buy to prepare your medicine. Contact Now and be like me. or his Mobil:+2348154625070

Unknown said...

Hello everyone I felt this might be of help to someone out there, I am Randall Williams from Ohio USA, my brother was diagnosed of Hiv in 2015 but he is free from the disease now by the help of Dr Agege Herbal Treatment. I was introduced by a close friend to Dr Agege a herbal doctor who treated my brother with herbal cure for a period of time. We have done test several times and have been told the Hiv is gone. This same Dr Agege also cured me from Herpes simplex which I was suffering from for years now. All thanks to him, if you have anyone sufferrring from this deadly disease you can contact this great Dr Agege on his email: or Call/Whatsapp him on +2349036492096 and please tell him i directed you because i promise to give testimony.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable Miracle. I don't know why our medical doctor say there is no remedy for HSV 1&2 Disease,i can now boldly say there is a cure for HSV 1&2 with the help of Dr Akuna Herbal medicine, i was cured of my HSV 1&2 after i contacted it from my girlfriend. we never use any protection and after one month i saw a something under my private part and i was very scared i went to my doctor and showed him. he perform a test and my result was HSV 1&2 Positive. friends this was not easy for me, i was so much angry and i asked my girl and she told me she was sorry, that she couldn't loose me that why she never reveal it to me. i didn't blame her much for the mistake. so i went in search for a medicine to help myself, met with some native traditional doctors they conducted many rituals and gave me medicine to take but i was still Positive. One morning i was on friend website, i saw a lady testimony about Dr Akuna herbal medicine. i didn't believe so i went to see for myself,wrote to him and asked if he could really cure me and my girlfriend, Dr Akuna responded swiftly and told me to relax that he would make sure i get myself cured and of my girl also. After 3days i received my herbal medicine and we both used it. Dr Akuna said after 2weeks we should go and test ourselves again. we did and we were shocked when we were told we are negative by the same doctor that tested me negative. Here is the catch friends,Dr Akuna does not require your money only for the herbs he need to buy to prepare your medicine. Contact Now and be like me. or his Mobil:+2348154625070

Anonymous said...

I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Hepatitis b Virus. Few months
back I was having some symptoms . I went to see a doctor and many blood
tests was done on me, later on I was told I had Hepatitis b. My doctor told me
that there's no cure for Hepatitis I felt bad, I went online searching for a
possible cure for Hepatitis b Virus, I saw a post of Dr. Ajayi a herbal doctor
that's helping people get cured from HPV, HIV, HEPATITIS B, CANCER e.t.c.
i contacted him and told him how I'm feeling he said his herbal medicine can
cure me. He sent me the medicine via Dhl delivery service and I received
the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed
by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I
went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was
Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore. Dr. Ajayi is great and you can
contact via ( call him via +2349054914348;

Vivica Cornelly said...

I am 54 years old and I was told I had COPD 7 years ago. I immediately quit smoking, but as the years pass by my condition got significantly worse, and I started having serious attacks. I used to be able to exercise, but it became so hard because I`m constantly out of breath. My pulmonologist started me on oral steroids to help control symptoms and minimize further damage but my symptoms never stopped getting worse. In January this year, my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to NewLife Herbal Clinic natural organic COPD Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this COPD Herbal formula treatment. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic official website ww w. newlifeherbalclinic. com or email info@ newlifeherbalclinic. com.

I have had great improvement with my over all respiration with this product and i breath very much easier, i can never be thankful enough to nature

Vivica Cornelly said...

I am 54 years old and I was told I had COPD 7 years ago. I immediately quit smoking, but as the years pass by my condition got significantly worse, and I started having serious attacks. I used to be able to exercise, but it became so hard because I`m constantly out of breath. My pulmonologist started me on oral steroids to help control symptoms and minimize further damage but my symptoms never stopped getting worse. In January this year, my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to NewLife Herbal Clinic natural organic COPD Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this COPD Herbal formula treatment. The infections, shortness of breath, fatigue, dry cough and other symptoms has subsided. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic official website ww w. newlifeherbalclinic. com or email info@ newlifeherbalclinic. com.

I have had great improvement with my over all respiration with this product and i breath very much easier, i can never be thankful enough to nature

glory allen said...

I have been suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) for the past two years and had constant pain especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by this Man Dr Aba and she also gave the email address: of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Aba telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email:: or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Unknown said...

I'm Eric Thomas by name from USA California posting this comment for those who have cancer and need cure .Dr.BUDE Herbal cure is 100% Guarantee sure to cure your cancer DISEASE. He can cure any types of Disease. I was having cancer VIRUS for more than 8 year when i met Dr BUDE online on how he has cured so many people and how greatly he has helped many individuals online,so i contacted him and explained My situation and behold I was cure with his herbal medicine and now I AM living happily, so to anyone that have same issue on CANCER Virus challenges i advised that you contact DR BUDE ON or he can also cure any disease such as HPV,HIV/AIDS HEPATITIS B,DIABETICS, HERPES HE is the great herbalist man called Dr.BUDE i must say a big thanks for curing me form this deadly disease, Depression i owe you in return. Thanks and be blessed sir.his Mobile whatsapp number +2348138666235

celina jolly said...

I was cured of HIV with the used of natural herbs. My name is celina jolly and am from US. I love herbs so much. Most times, injection and drugs are just a waste of time. I was cured 8months ago, i suffered from HIV for 13yrs but with the help of Dr.Ogun herbal medicine, i was cured within few weeks of drinking the herbs he sent to me through courier delivery service. This same doctor also cured my Aunty from herpes, as soon as i heard she had herpes, i quickly refer her to Dr. Ogun and she was cured too after drinking his herbs.I have referred more than 15 persons to Dr.Ogun and they were all cured from their various illness. Have you taken herbs before?. You have spent so much money on drugs,injections,surgeries etc and yet you have no good result to show for it. Contact Dr.Ogun now, he is a herbalist doctor, i assured you of a cure if you drink his natural herbs. Dr.Ogun have herbs that cures Hiv, Herpes, diabetics, asthma, hepatitis, HBP, STD, cancer, chronic, etc. Contact Dr ogun through his Email address or WHATSAP/CALL him on +2348104991149 . Please share the good news to other people once you are cured

Anonymous said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from SARCOIDOSIS DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR HOPE I have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 2 weeks which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can email him on or call him on this Tel. Number :+2348131652960. He also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below: HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS DIABETES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,HIV/AIDS SIPHILIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV),cerebrospinal meningitis,Chagas Disease,Alzheimer’s disease,Schizophrenia,or any kind of disease at all.

Monica Watson said...

Good day to all viewer online am Monica Watson From USA..Texas am so happy sharing this great testimony on how i was checking for solution in the internet then miraculously i came Across Dr.Zuku the powerful herbalist that Cure Numerous individuals Herpes Simplex Virus,so I contacted him base on the testimonies I?m seeing about him on the internet, I was cured too by him, kindly contact him today through his email he can help and so he can cure types of diseases like,HEPATITIS B,DIABETICS,CANCER,HPV,LOW SPERM CAM.. all thank to you Dr Zuku for your kindly help in my life his Mobile number +16177296273

Unknown said...

Hello!Hello!!Hello!!! Viewers Great opportunity is out now...............

Herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, prompting many to wonder how to get rid of herpes naturally.

The herpes virus can live dormant inside a person’s immune system for a lifetime, periodically causing blisters that burst and turn into open cold sores or ulcers before healing. When left alone, herpes cold sores usually last about 10–14 days and are uncomfortable for a variety of reasons — causing redness, pain, burning and often embarrassment.

Many people wonder if there is a natural cure for herpes or are looking for ways on how to get rid of herpes for good. While technically the virus that causes herpes (whether on the mouth or genital herpes) is not curable, there are many natural herpes remedies that can put herpes into remission. (1) In fact, many people with herpes don’t experience any symptoms at all, especially long term, once they learn to manage triggers of outbreaks. So while there’s no guide for how to get rid of herpes naturally, there is a method for how to get rid of herpes symptoms the natural way and keep breakouts at bay.

By boosting the immune system through a healthy diet, making lifestyle changes and being precautions during periods of active breakouts, you can help keep any virus dormant, including herpes. Certain steps can significantly reduce the chances of having having reoccurring herpes symptoms and lower the risk that you’ll pass the virus to someone else. So if you’re wondering how to get rid of herpes, read on to learn the natural ways to keep this virus dormant. if you are one of this problem. THANK YOU..

My problem with herpes has caused me many traumas,especially in my sex life.I was so afraid of infecting my boyfriend, I suffered the embarrassment of visiting dermatologists queries hundreds of times.Unfortunately,they did not find a definitive solution to my problem.The solution came from the least expected place. By reading in a specialized forum on the subject,How to cure Herpes simplex virus completely.Many people had tried, with excellent and quick results.I had nothing to lose so I decided to use this method to eliminate my herpes. spent six weeks using this method and my herpes completely disappeared. I recommend this method to all people who want to eliminate the herpes from their body forever,contact
HSV 1 & HSV 2

Anonymous said...

God bless Dr. Olokum for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Olokum, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr Olokum ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
Dr Olokum cure the flowing virus, contact or add him on whatsapp +12675278976 contact his united state office on +12675278976 also can contact my branch in Africa on whatsapp or call +2348158836673
1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HPV cure
7 get your ex back
8 pregnancy herbal medicine
9 prostate enlargement
10 Hepatitis B

Anonymous said...

God bless Dr. Olokum for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HERPES since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HERPES.out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HERPES i saw a comment about Dr. Olokum, how he cured HERPES/HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HERPES/HIV,thank you Dr Olokum ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
Dr Olokum cure the flowing virus, contact or add him on whatsapp +12675278976 contact his united state office on +12675278976 also can contact my branch in Africa on whatsapp or call +2348158836673
1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HPV cure
7 get your ex back
8 pregnancy herbal medicine
9 prostate enlargement
10 Hepatitis B

Windy said...

I was diagnosed with HIV / AIDS in 2016 and I have tried every possible means to get the cure but all in vain, so fortunately one day while I was browsing through the internet looking for remedy in HIV / AIDS, and I saw the comment of people talking about how Dr. Ola who healed them from HIV / AIDS, so I contacted him based on the testimonials I'm seeing about him on the Internet and I've made use of his lost herbal remedies with herbal remedies, GOD to be the glory who healed me also for him, please contact him today via his email: DROLAHEALINGCENTER@GMAIL.COM or call or WhatsApp directly through his cell phone: +2348100368288 he can also cure because he made me clear which does not treat but heals permanently and therefore can cure any type of diseases like, HEPATITIS B, DIABETICS, CANCER, HERPES, Dick enlargement etc. all thanks to you Dr. OLA for your kind help in my life.

Unknown said...

I have been suffering from (SARCOIDOSIS) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (SARCOIDOSIS) by this Man DR GODWIN and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR GODWIN telling him about my (SARCOIDOSIS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR GODWIN on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also call him on this number +2349063798253

Unknown said...

I have been suffering from (SARCOIDOSIS) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (SARCOIDOSIS) by this Man DR GODWIN and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR GODWIN telling him about my (SARCOIDOSIS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR GODWIN on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also call him on this number +2349063798253

Anonymous said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from SARCOIDOSIS DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR HOPE I have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 2 weeks which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can email him on or call him on this Tel. Number :+2348131652960. He also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below: HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS DIABETES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,HIV/AIDS SIPHILIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV),cerebrospinal meningitis,Chagas Disease,Alzheimer’s disease,Schizophrenia,or any kind of disease at all.

Anonymous said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from SARCOIDOSIS DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR HOPE I have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 2 weeks which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can email him on or call him on this Tel. Number :+2348131652960. He also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below: HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS DIABETES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,HIV/AIDS SIPHILIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV),cerebrospinal meningitis,Chagas Disease,Alzheimer’s disease,Schizophrenia,or any kind of disease at all.

Anonymous said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from SARCOIDOSIS DISEASE with the herbal medicine of DR HOPE I have been suffering from this disease for a long time now without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave me his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask me to go for a check up after 2 weeks which i did, to my greatest surprise my result came out as negative, i am really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you have any disease and see if he will not actually help you. I know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can email him on or call him on this Tel. Number :+2348131652960. He also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below: HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS DIABETES,CANCER,HEPATITIS,HIV/AIDS SIPHILIS, Human papillomavirus(HPV),cerebrospinal meningitis,Chagas Disease,Alzheimer’s disease,Schizophrenia,or any kind of disease at all.

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe my HEPATITIS B and DIABETES is really cured, i never thought and believed that one day i will live on earth cured of this disease.i have been suffering of this deadly disease HEPATITIS C, since 7years ago.Happiness is all i see now i never thought that i will live on earth before the year runs out this is a miracle A shot testimony on how i was cured for my HEPATITIS C and DIABETES Virus diseases by Dr Ofemu with his Herbal Root Herbs Medicine, Although this is almost too impossible to believe, but I am here to fulfill my promise to Dr Ofemu, I am a survivor, I am a living proof of this medication, at first it sounded so fake, but my mum encouraged me to continue with the medication, within 3 days I notice the sours in my genitals were all dried up and my tongue stopped paining me, so i stopped taking my ARVS and focused on the herbal medication. I felted my body coming back to life, my skin, my face, no more body weakness and my mum kept praying for me, she was really happy when i was tested negative. This unbelievable transformation have also brought me closer to God, and thanks to Dr Ofemu for his regular checkups, calls, sms and chats. I am CURED, I am CURED and I repeat I AM CURED! I have been a slave of DIABETES TYPE 2 for 3years but it took just 18 days for my cure! God Bless you Sir! contact him now for any kind of diseases problem on his mail ( or call +12675278976 whatsapp +12675278976, contact his Africa office on whatsapp or call +2348158836673 he is a herbal remedy to all sickness i have copied and sent the link of your contacts to a few HIV/AIDS friends, please sir help them and God will increase you! thanks you again sir for putting a smile on my face again so i am posting to this forum saying if you are into similar situation or have any kind of disease problem you can as well contact him for help

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe my HEPATITIS B and DIABETES is really cured, i never thought and believed that one day i will live on earth cured of this disease.i have been suffering of this deadly disease HEPATITIS C, since 7years ago.Happiness is all i see now i never thought that i will live on earth before the year runs out this is a miracle A shot testimony on how i was cured for my HEPATITIS C and DIABETES Virus diseases by Dr Ofemu with his Herbal Root Herbs Medicine, Although this is almost too impossible to believe, but I am here to fulfill my promise to Dr Ofemu, I am a survivor, I am a living proof of this medication, at first it sounded so fake, but my mum encouraged me to continue with the medication, within 3 days I notice the sours in my genitals were all dried up and my tongue stopped paining me, so i stopped taking my ARVS and focused on the herbal medication. I felted my body coming back to life, my skin, my face, no more body weakness and my mum kept praying for me, she was really happy when i was tested negative. This unbelievable transformation have also brought me closer to God, and thanks to Dr Ofemu for his regular checkups, calls, sms and chats. I am CURED, I am CURED and I repeat I AM CURED! I have been a slave of DIABETES TYPE 2 for 3years but it took just 18 days for my cure! God Bless you Sir! contact him now for any kind of diseases problem on his mail ( or call +12675278976 whatsapp +12675278976, contact his Africa office on whatsapp or call +2348158836673 he is a herbal remedy to all sickness i have copied and sent the link of your contacts to a few HIV/AIDS friends, please sir help them and God will increase you! thanks you again sir for putting a smile on my face again so i am posting to this forum saying if you are into similar situation or have any kind of disease problem you can as well contact him for help

Allison said...

I have been suffering from (SARCOIDOSIS) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man DR INIBOKU and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR INIBOKU telling him about my (SARCOIDOSIS Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR INIBOKU on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also whatsapp him on this number +2347059186346

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

glory allen said...

I have been suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) for the past two years and had constant pain especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by this Man Dr Aba and she also gave the email address: of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Aba telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email:: or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

Anonymous said...

This is real take it serious, who will believe that herbs can cure herpes, i never believe it will work, i have spend a lot, getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, but it got to a time when there was nothing left in me again because i was so broke, one day a friend introduce this great man to me on line called DR INIBOKU who is well know for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him but I never thought herbals can cure herpes, though I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Courier Service for delivery, the Courier Office told me that 5-7 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of one month, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, that was how my herpes disappeared, i will never stop to thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and you will be cured permanently, contact him via: or call +2347059186346.

Anonymous said...

This is real take it serious, who will believe that herbs can cure herpes, i never believe it will work, i have spend a lot, getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, but it got to a time when there was nothing left in me again because i was so broke, one day a friend introduce this great man to me on line called DR INIBOKU who is well know for Herpes, HIV, and Cancer cure, i decided to email him but I never thought herbals can cure herpes, though I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared a herbal medicine (CURE) and sent it through Courier Service for delivery, the Courier Office told me that 5-7 days I will receive the package and after receiving it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him at the end of one month, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me Herpes simplex virus negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital and was also negative, that was how my herpes disappeared, i will never stop to thank you for saving my life, I promise I will always testify of your good works. if you are herpes simplex virus patient, contact him and you will be cured permanently, contact him via: or call +2347059186346.

Unknown said...

I have been suffering from (SARCOIDOSIS) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (SARCOIDOSIS) by this Man DR GODWIN and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR GODWIN telling him about my (SARCOIDOSIS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR GODWIN on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also call him on this number +2349063798253

Anonymous said...

Hello Every one I am Ben William I have been suffering from a deadly disease called HERPES for the past 1year and 2months now, and i have spent a lot of money and my time going from one hospital to another seeking for solutions, and going for Constant check up became my hobby, not until last Month, as i was searching through the internet, and i saw a testimony on how DR HOPE has helped so many sick People and saved lives in curing different kinds of disease, quickly i copied his email Address which is and I had a conversation with him and he assure me that he will cure me which i 100% believe him base on the conversation i had with him. He told me that he is going to prepare herbal medicine and have it brought to my door step which he did as he said, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after 3 weeks of taking the herbal medicine, and i did exactly as i was instructed, i went for check up and test was carried out on me, and behold the result came out negative I was tested Herpes Negative and there was no any symptoms of any disease in my body again. I couldn't believe my eyes that i was free from the deadly disease, I am so happy now and i will forever remain thankful and grateful to DR HOPE for making me live my normal life again, DR HOPE has only asked me to show appreciation and ask me to share my story and testimony to the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters this man is indeed a great man and his cure is 100% permanent i owe him a lot in my life. If you are having a similar problems just email him on you can also call or whatsapp him on:+2348131652960. and have your problems solve once and for all. He also said that with herbs he can cure any kind of sickness no matter the condition. Give him a trial now and share your testimony.

Anonymous said...

Hello Every one I am Ben William I have been suffering from a deadly disease called HERPES for the past 1year and 2months now, and i have spent a lot of money and my time going from one hospital to another seeking for solutions, and going for Constant check up became my hobby, not until last Month, as i was searching through the internet, and i saw a testimony on how DR HOPE has helped so many sick People and saved lives in curing different kinds of disease, quickly i copied his email Address which is and I had a conversation with him and he assure me that he will cure me which i 100% believe him base on the conversation i had with him. He told me that he is going to prepare herbal medicine and have it brought to my door step which he did as he said, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after 3 weeks of taking the herbal medicine, and i did exactly as i was instructed, i went for check up and test was carried out on me, and behold the result came out negative I was tested Herpes Negative and there was no any symptoms of any disease in my body again. I couldn't believe my eyes that i was free from the deadly disease, I am so happy now and i will forever remain thankful and grateful to DR HOPE for making me live my normal life again, DR HOPE has only asked me to show appreciation and ask me to share my story and testimony to the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters this man is indeed a great man and his cure is 100% permanent i owe him a lot in my life. If you are having a similar problems just email him on you can also call or whatsapp him on:+2348131652960. and have your problems solve once and for all. He also said that with herbs he can cure any kind of sickness no matter the condition. Give him a trial now and share your testimony.

Anonymous said...

Hello Every one I am Ben William I have been suffering from a deadly disease called HERPES for the past 1year and 2months now, and i have spent a lot of money and my time going from one hospital to another seeking for solutions, and going for Constant check up became my hobby, not until last Month, as i was searching through the internet, and i saw a testimony on how DR HOPE has helped so many sick People and saved lives in curing different kinds of disease, quickly i copied his email Address which is and I had a conversation with him and he assure me that he will cure me which i 100% believe him base on the conversation i had with him. He told me that he is going to prepare herbal medicine and have it brought to my door step which he did as he said, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after 3 weeks of taking the herbal medicine, and i did exactly as i was instructed, i went for check up and test was carried out on me, and behold the result came out negative I was tested Herpes Negative and there was no any symptoms of any disease in my body again. I couldn't believe my eyes that i was free from the deadly disease, I am so happy now and i will forever remain thankful and grateful to DR HOPE for making me live my normal life again, DR HOPE has only asked me to show appreciation and ask me to share my story and testimony to the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters this man is indeed a great man and his cure is 100% permanent i owe him a lot in my life. If you are having a similar problems just email him on you can also call or whatsapp him on:+2348131652960. and have your problems solve once and for all. He also said that with herbs he can cure any kind of sickness no matter the condition. Give him a trial now and share your testimony.

Jazmine Davis said...

Am here to testify of the miraculous work of a great traditional doctor called DR.ZUKU ..I have been suffering from Herpes since last 2 years with my Husband but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr.ZUKU the great healer, I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr.ZUKU cure her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so' people out there kindly contact this great doctor on his email address please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine .once more contact him now or call or text +16177296273 Dr.Zuku can prepare Herbal medicine for all kind of disease. HIV. CANCER. HEPATITIS B.DIABETES.COLD SORES. Syphilis. HBV, HPV, STD's And many more.
contact Dr.Zuku to get your healing.Email

Unknown said...

I have been suffering from (SARCOIDOSIS) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (SARCOIDOSIS) by this Man DR GODWIN and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR GODWIN telling him about my (SARCOIDOSIS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR GODWIN on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also call him on this number +2349063798253

sarahjesae said...

I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Parkinson's disease. Few months
back I was having some symptoms . I went to see a doctor and many blood
tests was done on me, later on I was told I had Parkinson's disease. My doctor told me
that there's no cure for Parkinson's disease I felt bad, I went online searching for a
possible cure for Parkinson's disease, I saw a post of Dr. Bello a herbal doctor
that's helping people get cured from Parkinson, HPV, HIV, HEPATITIS B, CANCER e.t.c.
i contacted him and told him how I'm feeling he said his herbal medicine can
cure me. He sent me the medicine via Dhl delivery service and I received
the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed
by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I
went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was
Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore. Dr. Bello is great and you can
contact via ( whatsApp him via +2348147271779;

sarahjesae said...

I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Parkinson's disease. Few months back I was having some symptoms . I went to see a doctor and many blood tests was done on me, later on I was told I had Parkinson's disease. My doctor told me that there's no cure for Parkinson's disease I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for Parkinson's disease, I saw a post of Dr Bello, a herbal doctor that's helping people get cured from Parkinson, HPV, HIV, HEPATITIS B, CANCER e.t.c. i contacted him and told him how I'm feeling he said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine via Dhl delivery service and I received the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore. Dr. Bello is great and you can contact via ( whatsApp him via +2348147271779;

sarahjesae said...

I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Parkinson's disease. Few months back I was having some symptoms . I went to see a doctor and many blood tests was done on me, later on I was told I had Parkinson's disease. My doctor told me that there's no cure for Parkinson's disease I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for Parkinson's disease, I saw a post of Dr Bello, a herbal doctor that's helping people get cured from Parkinson, HPV, HIV, HEPATITIS B, CANCER e.t.c. i contacted him and told him how I'm feeling he said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine via Dhl delivery service and I received the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore. Dr. Bello is great and you can contact via ( whatsApp him via +2348147271779;

Anonymous said...


hello everyone i am little bit ashamed to share this marvelous story about a great spell caster who helped me enlarge my small penis size through his herbal mixture cream,i was heartbroken before because i have a very small penis about 3.5 inches which was so annoying and shameful i could not satisfy my wife in bed ,,my marriage was really breaking and i needed help urgently,i have used pills,vaccines,drugs,surgery but none one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about how Mr MICHAEL PAULSON from USA testified of how he helped him enlarge his penis and also cured his dad diabetes type 2 disease,,i contacted him through his email: he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the herbal cream to me through UPS and i received it within 4 days and used the herbal cream for just 14 days to my greatest surprise my penis that was 3.5 inches before enlarge to 10 inches long when fully erected ,for just two weeks of using his herbal mixture cream ,,wow my wife loved me more and was so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than before thank you so much dr harry for making life a better one to live in if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email or whatsapp him on +2348133261196 thanks
note he also have cure for

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe my genitial warts and DIABETES is really cured, i never thought and believed that one day i will live on earth cured of this disease.i have been suffering of this deadly disease DIABETES since 7years ago.Happiness is all i see now i never thought that i will live on earth before the year runs out this is a miracle A shot testimony on how i was cured for my Warts and DIABETES Virus diseases by Dr Ofemu with his Herbal Root Herbs Medicine, Although this is almost too impossible to believe, but I am here to fulfill my promise to Dr Ofemu, I am a survivor, I am a living proof of this medication, at first it sounded so fake, but my mum encouraged me to continue with the medication, within 3 days I notice the sours in my genitals were all dried up and my tongue stopped paining me, so i stopped taking my Drugs and focused on the herbal medication. I felted my body coming back to life, my skin, my face, no more body weakness and my mum kept praying for me, she was really happy when i was tested negative. This unbelievable transformation have also brought me closer to God, and thanks to Dr Ofemu for his regular checkups, calls, sms and chats. I am CURED, I am CURED and I repeat I AM CURED! I have been a slave of HIV for 3years but it took just 18 days for my cure! God Bless you Sir! contact him now for any kind of diseases problem on his mail ( or call +12675278976 whatsapp +12675278976, contact his Africa office on whatsapp or call +2348158836673 he is a herbal remedy to all sickness i have copied and sent the link of your contacts to a few HIV/AIDS friends, please sir help them and God will increase you! thanks you again sir for putting a smile on my face again so i am posting to this forum saying if you are into similar situation or have any kind of disease problem you can as well contact him for help

Unknown said...

Aprecio el gran Dr. OFURE por su medicina herbal curativa que él preparó para mí, después de haber sido una víctima de la enfermedad de HSV 1 y 2 por 5years. fue muy sorprendente cómo me curaron del Dr. OFURE hierbas medicinales, que rápidamente limpiar todo mi cuerpo y hoy después de comprobar en el hospital me encontré negativos, queridos espectadores mi médico me dijo personalmente que no había cura para mi enfermedad en un primer momento pensé que el mundo ha terminado para mí, pero tan pronto como llegué a Dr OFURE medicina a base de hierbas, mi historia no era la misma otra vez, sólo usé el Dr. OFURE hierbas medicinales por sólo 2 semanas y me quedé totalmente curado, nadie merece sufrir por tanto tiempo, la salud es la riqueza mis queridos espectadores ninguna cantidad de dinero puede curar a usted excepto que obtener el remedio adecuado y ser curado completamente, hoy se encuentra una cura y confirmar por muchos otros como yo, el Dr. OFURE también tiene otra cura para el VIH SIDA , DIABETES, HERPES, CÁNCER, ENFERMEDAD CARDÍACA, MIGRAINES, FRÍO SORES, Voy a seguir difundiendo esta buena noticia a todo el mundo, su dirección de correo electrónico es: o su aplicación ¿Qué app: +2348162868851

Unknown said...

Aprecio el gran Dr. OFURE por su medicina herbal curativa que él preparó para mí, después de haber sido una víctima de la enfermedad de HSV 1 y 2 por 5years. fue muy sorprendente cómo me curaron del Dr. OFURE hierbas medicinales, que rápidamente limpiar todo mi cuerpo y hoy después de comprobar en el hospital me encontré negativos, queridos espectadores mi médico me dijo personalmente que no había cura para mi enfermedad en un primer momento pensé que el mundo ha terminado para mí, pero tan pronto como llegué a Dr OFURE medicina a base de hierbas, mi historia no era la misma otra vez, sólo usé el Dr. OFURE hierbas medicinales por sólo 2 semanas y me quedé totalmente curado, nadie merece sufrir por tanto tiempo, la salud es la riqueza mis queridos espectadores ninguna cantidad de dinero puede curar a usted excepto que obtener el remedio adecuado y ser curado completamente, hoy se encuentra una cura y confirmar por muchos otros como yo, el Dr. OFURE también tiene otra cura para el VIH SIDA , DIABETES, HERPES, CÁNCER, ENFERMEDAD CARDÍACA, MIGRAINES, FRÍO SORES, Voy a seguir difundiendo esta buena noticia a todo el mundo, su dirección de correo electrónico es: o su aplicación ¿Qué app: +2348162868851

Anonymous said...

God bless Dr. Myron for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of HIV since 2010 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed to get the HIV. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for HIV i saw a comment about Dr. Myron, how he cured HIV with his herbal medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured from HIV/HERPES,thank you Dr Myron ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU SIR
Dr Myron cure the flowing virus, contact his united state office on calls +1205 7193764 and whatsapp only +12675278976 add his Africa branch on whatsapp and calls +2348158836673

1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HPV cure
7 Hiv
7 get your ex back
8 pregnancy herbal medicine
9 prostate enlargement
10 Hepatitis B

Anonymous said...

I was diagnosed of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurological disease that attacks the nerve cells, I was given medications to slow down the progress of the disease, after some months my conditioned worsened and i lost ability to go about my daily activities and i had to quit my job, my legs and arms were terribly weakened, i resorted to a wheelchair (Perbombil C300). This was till my husband's friend introduced my husband to a herbal clinic in Africa who sell herbal medicines to cure all kind of diseases including ALS, we contacted the herbal clinic via their email and purchased the ALS herbal remedy, we received the herbal medicine via courier within 7 days and commenced usage as prescribed, its totally unexplainable how all the symptoms gradually dissapeared, my speech has greatly improved and am able to walk a distance now with no help, contact this herbal clinic via their email
Dr Udu Herbal Clinic

Unknown said...


My name is frank harry from UK am here today to testify about my true life story many men all over the world today are suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. I am 40 and have lived a very lonely life because of it. I can,t even look at women in the eye because of it. It has caused me great torment through-out my life. I had sex with a lot of girls but also had a lot of rejections and a lot of girls mock on my size. For me the thoughest part is not that girls mock on my size but when my wife packed out of the house and started seeing another man. Let’s me say that 75% of men & youth all over the world are really suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. Some men today no longer enjoying their spouse any more, due to the size and weak erection of the penis, because of this act their ladies went out to have sex with those men that their penis is bigger still strong and stand erect. This act broke marriages or relationship. My condition have changed today after contacting DR.DADA the great herbalist, If you,re in the same condition please contact him via his email [DRDADASPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM] OR WHATSAPP +2348158568638
for more infor you can contact me on (

Unknown said...


My name is frank harry from UK am here today to testify about my true life story many men all over the world today are suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. I am 40 and have lived a very lonely life because of it. I can,t even look at women in the eye because of it. It has caused me great torment through-out my life. I had sex with a lot of girls but also had a lot of rejections and a lot of girls mock on my size. For me the thoughest part is not that girls mock on my size but when my wife packed out of the house and started seeing another man. Let’s me say that 75% of men & youth all over the world are really suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. Some men today no longer enjoying their spouse any more, due to the size and weak erection of the penis, because of this act their ladies went out to have sex with those men that their penis is bigger still strong and stand erect. This act broke marriages or relationship. My condition have changed today after contacting DR.DADA the great herbalist, If you,re in the same condition please contact him via his email [DRDADASPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM] OR WHATSAPP +2348158568638
for more infor you can contact me on (

Unknown said...


My name is frank harry from UK am here today to testify about my true life story many men all over the world today are suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. I am 40 and have lived a very lonely life because of it. I can,t even look at women in the eye because of it. It has caused me great torment through-out my life. I had sex with a lot of girls but also had a lot of rejections and a lot of girls mock on my size. For me the thoughest part is not that girls mock on my size but when my wife packed out of the house and started seeing another man. Let’s me say that 75% of men & youth all over the world are really suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. Some men today no longer enjoying their spouse any more, due to the size and weak erection of the penis, because of this act their ladies went out to have sex with those men that their penis is bigger still strong and stand erect. This act broke marriages or relationship. My condition have changed today after contacting DR.DADA the great herbalist, If you,re in the same condition please contact him via his email [DRDADASPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM] OR WHATSAPP +2348158568638
for more infor you can contact me on (

Unknown said...


My name is frank harry from UK am here today to testify about my true life story many men all over the world today are suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. I am 40 and have lived a very lonely life because of it. I can,t even look at women in the eye because of it. It has caused me great torment through-out my life. I had sex with a lot of girls but also had a lot of rejections and a lot of girls mock on my size. For me the thoughest part is not that girls mock on my size but when my wife packed out of the house and started seeing another man. Let’s me say that 75% of men & youth all over the world are really suffering of small joystick (PENIS) and weak erection of the penis. Some men today no longer enjoying their spouse any more, due to the size and weak erection of the penis, because of this act their ladies went out to have sex with those men that their penis is bigger still strong and stand erect. This act broke marriages or relationship. My condition have changed today after contacting DR.DADA the great herbalist, If you,re in the same condition please contact him via his email [DRDADASPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM] OR WHATSAPP +2348158568638
for more infor you can contact me on (

Unknown said...

My mother was hospitalized for triple pneumonia and was diagnosed at that time with COPD. She had been a smoker since she was 16 years old and was about 70 years at diagnosis, so she had been smoking for about 55 years. We were so well educated about the damage smoking had done to her lungs,and we know there is no cure to COPD ,thank GOD for leading us to GOOD HEALTH HERBS HOME,please don't ignore this post is real, Dr George(Good health herbs home) is a real herbal Doctor ,he cured my mother of COPD,she was totally cured within 5 weeks of usage. Dr George (Good health herbs home) herbal medicine for COPD has no side effect,it works like a miracle,please viewers out there that have any deadly disease,please don't fail contact Dr George via www (dot) goodhealthherbshome (dot) com .

Unknown said...

My mother was hospitalized for triple pneumonia and was diagnosed at that time with COPD. She had been a smoker since she was 16 years old and was about 70 years at diagnosis, so she had been smoking for about 55 years. We were so well educated about the damage smoking had done to her lungs,and we know there is no cure to COPD ,thank GOD for leading us to GOOD HEALTH HERBS HOME,please don't ignore this post is real, Dr George(Good health herbs home) is a real herbal Doctor ,he cured my mother of COPD,she was totally cured within 5 weeks of usage. Dr George (Good health herbs home) herbal medicine for COPD has no side effect,it works like a miracle,please viewers out there that have any deadly disease,please don't fail contact Dr George via info@ goodhealthherbshome. com. ww w. goodhealthherbshome. com

Unknown said...

My mother was hospitalized for triple pneumonia and was diagnosed at that time with COPD. She had been a smoker since she was 16 years old and was about 70 years at diagnosis, so she had been smoking for about 55 years. We were so well educated about the damage smoking had done to her lungs,and we know there is no cure to COPD ,thank GOD for leading us to GOOD HEALTH HERBS HOME,please don't ignore this post is real, Dr George(Good health herbs home) is a real herbal Doctor ,he cured my mother of COPD,she was totally cured within 5 weeks of usage. Dr George (Good health herbs home) herbal medicine for COPD has no side effect,it works like a miracle,please viewers out there that have any deadly disease,please don't fail contact Dr George via info@ goodhealthherbshome. com. ww w. goodhealthherbshome. com

mable joshua said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from (HEPATITIS VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba, i have been suffering from this disease without any solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting just because of these diseases so you can mail him on or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

ramos said...

I was ever going to be herpes Negative again,DR Okon has given me reasons to be happy, i was HERPES positive for 2years and all the means i tried for treatment was not helpful to me, but when i came on the Internet i saw great testimony about DR Okon on how he was able to cure someone from HERPES, this person said great things about this man, and advice we contact him for any Disease problem that DR Okon can be of help, well i decided to give him a try, he requested for my information which i sent to him, and he told me he was going to prepare for me a healing portion, which he wanted me to take for days, and after which i should go back to the hospital for check up, welcal after taking all the treatment sent to me by DR Okon i went back to the Hospital for check up, and now i have been confirmed HERPES Negative, friends you can reach DR Okon on any treatment for any Disease he is the one only i can show you all up to, reach him on or or whatsapp or call his number +2348051145606. He's waiting to help you..

Unknown said...

My name is Mrs. Davis Grey, from USA, I have been suffering from HSV 1&2 Virus Disease and i have been so unhappy everyday and depressed whenever i think that i have this virus in my body, and i had sore in my mouth and penis for the past 12years, I have been dealing with this disease but I am thankful after seeing a comment on how Dr Akuna has cured others, I email him and he sent me his natural herbs and when i used it for just 2weeks I was found negative after my Doctor tested me, i also found out that Dr Akuna has remedy to other diseases such as, CANCER,HIV,DIABETES, HEPATITIS B And GENITAL WARTS And many more,I am so surprise and happy thank you sir for curing my HSV 1&2, you can write to him and get cured. email: or his what app line: +2348154625070 or visit his website:

celina jolly said...

I was cured of HIV with the used of natural herbs. My name is celina jolly and am from US. I love herbs so much. Most times, injection and drugs are just a waste of time. I was cured 8 months ago, i suffered from HIV for 13 yrs but with the help of Dr.Ogun herbal medicine, i was cured within few weeks of drinking the herbs he sent to me through courier delivery service. This same doctor also cured my Aunty from herpes, as soon as i heard she had herpes, i quickly refer her to Dr.Ogun and she was cured too after drinking his herbs.I have referred more than 15 persons to Dr.Ogun and they were all cured from their various illness. Have you taken herbs before?. You have spent so much money on drugs,injections,surgeries etc and yet you have no good result to show for it. Contact Dr. Ogun now, he is a herbalist doctor, i assured you of a cure if you drink his natural herbs. Dr.Ogun have herbs that cures Hiv, Herpes, diabetics, asthma, hepatitis, HBP, STD, cancer, chronic, etc. Contact Dr ogun through his Email address on: or WHATSAPP/CALL him on+2348104991149 . Please share the good news to other people once you are cured

glory allen said...

I have been suffering from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) for the past two years and had constant pain especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by this Man Dr Aba and she also gave the email address: of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr. Aba telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email:: or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

mable joshua said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from (HEPATITIS VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba, i have been suffering from this disease without any solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting just because of these diseases so you can mail him on or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

Unknown said...

Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor's told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : ( it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.

Anonymous said...

New ALS cure with the help of Dr akana herbal medication for any email TEMPLEAKANA@ OUTLOOK.COM
All thanks to Dr AKANA for curing my ALS with his Herbal medication, i do not have much to say but with all my life i will for ever be grateful to him and God Almighty for using Dr AKANA to reach me when i thought it was all over, today i am happy with my life again after my test result have confirmed me of ALS of 5 years Negative,i have never in my life believed that ALS could be cured by Herbal mediccion so i want to use this means to reach other persons who have be diagnosed with ALS should contact Dr AKANA try and contact him by any means for any kind of disease with his email
Whatsapp Or call him on +2348070897839

celina amber said...

Hello everyone my name is celina amber from usa. I want to appreciate the great work of Dr. Aba, I have been diagnose of herpes simplex virus for years,I’ve lost all hope and that there is no cure and I have been taken medicine to sustain myself till I got to know about Dr. Aba through a friend who he cured of Hiv. I contacted him and he sent me his herbal remedy which I took as he directed me to do for some days and I went to the hospital after consuming his Herbal medicine and I was confirmed Herpes Negative after years of pains and suffering , it is indeed a miracle, Dr. Aba is a great man, I have heard so much about how he has help lot of people, if you have any issue you can contact him for help.via email him on. or add him on whatsapp can contact me for more information via:,thanks and god bless.

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

celina jolly said...

I was cured of HIV with the used of natural herbs. My name is celina jolly and am from US. I love herbs so much. Most times, injection and drugs are just a waste of time. I was cured 8 months ago, i suffered from HIV for 13 yrs but with the help of Dr.Ogun herbal medicine, i was cured within few weeks of drinking the herbs he sent to me through courier delivery service. This same doctor also cured my Aunty from herpes, as soon as i heard she had herpes, i quickly refer her to Dr.Ogun and she was cured too after drinking his herbs.I have referred more than 15 persons to Dr.Ogun and they were all cured from their various illness. Have you taken herbs before?. You have spent so much money on drugs,injections,surgeries etc and yet you have no good result to show for it. Contact Dr. Ogun now, he is a herbalist doctor, i assured you of a cure if you drink his natural herbs. Dr.Ogun have herbs that cures Hiv, Herpes, diabetics, asthma, hepatitis, HBP, STD, cancer, chronic, etc. Contact Dr ogun through his Email address on: or WHATSAPP/CALL him on+2348104991149 . Please share the good news to other people once you are cured

cassie said...

I am here to give my testimony about Dr Hope who helped me.. i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr Hope, i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Hope cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took for just 2 weeks and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr Hope healing cure of all kinds of sickness you may have. Remember delay in treatment leads to death.. email: or call him on +2348139560075

Unknown said...

Thanks to Dr MABUWA. That came and change my life around. 16years ago i was diagnosed of Diabetes type 2 and Hepatitis B. i was frustrated about this, i was young and i couldn't live with it, since then no day passes by that i don't look for a solution. but i am thankful for going through my friend face book page where i saw a comment of someone talking about Dr MABUWA. i was relieve. i quickly contacted Dr MABUWA on his email address and he promised me that everything will be fine after using his herbal medicine. i gave to him what he needed and he prepared and i received his medicine and started using it, Dr MABUWA told me to go and check myself after using his herbal medicine in 2weeks. i did and my result came out the next day negative. i can't thank Dr MABUWA enough for his help. Message him now on CALL/WHAT APP HIM On:+2348130714541

Robert Fred said...

My Name is Robert Fred from gives me great joy to share with you on how I was cured of a dreaded virus called HIV Disease by Dr.ZUKU,a powerful traditional herbalist.i have be suffered for 8years and till now i am still shocked but the good new is that Dr,ZUKU is the reason for my smile today. i don't know to explain how everything worked. the healing happened within the twinkle of my eye. after all the years of going from places to another for remedy. i got my cured finally. May God continue to bless his work and also to my best friend who searched him on his internet and directed me to contact him. after writing to him he prepared my herbal cure and how i am to use it and withing 2 weeks after using herbal remedy i went to check up and was found that my HIV Virus was gone and was negative.It is indeed a great news to those who must be suffering from one disease or virus, Dr Zuku is able to challenge that affliction. Why not visit him today through: call or text for more information +16177296273

ivan said...

I feel happy to bring my personal clinical experiences regarding the Naturalis Penis Enlargement Treatment. I have been practicing for the last 9 years both modern medicine as well as herbal medicine in different cases. So far, I have not come across a product like Priest Aluta Penis Enlargement Treatment, until i contacted Dr ISIKOLO which has shown very encouraging results in improving both sexual desire and function. I tested these products with diabetic patients particularly in whom sexual impotence is quite common. I found very good results in those diabetic patients who enjoyed increased sexual function and improved orgasms with the Naturalis Penis Enlargement Treatment. The herbs used in this formula have shown a positive effect on male sexual functions in terms of increasing desire and offering strong sexual enhancement. In addition, I found that product have shown a considerable increase in the tissue size of the penis and long erection irrespective of age. I feel that this formula can be recommended for those who need real sexual enhancement and better orgasms with a safe and natural effect. Contact him on Email: or whatsapp him on +2348133261196

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Barbara Macelli said...

I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS . I was positive to the deadly Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw Dr Ekpiku testimony online on how he was cured so many persons from Herpes Disease so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via DHL and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that’s the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email now ( or ( him on whatsApp number:+2348073673757 or text/call me 16506538578..

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

morgan said...

I am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been diagnosed with Genital Herpes… I though about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found Dr. idahosa email. I emailed him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. idahosa herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. idahosa and very happy with my hubby and family. email him on or whatsapp Tel- +2347033330164


4. ALS
5. Arthritis
6. Shingles

mable joshua said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from (HEPATITIS VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba, i have been suffering from this disease without any solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting just because of these diseases so you can mail him on or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Unknown said...


I'm from USA am here to give my testimony about Dr Mungai who helped me cure my HERPES (HSV), i want to inform the public how i was cured from (HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS) by Dr Mungai Herbal Home ( , i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. Three months ago a friend suggested that I try herbal medicine; from a very powerful herbal doctor called Dr Mungai. I looked up his blog on the internet site and indeed he have had immense success with his product. There were lot of persons posting their testimony about how he cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, my HERPES result just came out negative. My doctor was shocked how i got cured. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for herpes that is Not true just contact him Dr Mungai Herbal Center now for your cure. He can cure of all kinds of STD you may have. Remember your health is precious email him with his email as;, he can also help with getting HIV/AIDS,HEPATITIS B cured

Love said...

I have been suffering from (HEPATITIS B) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that I would be healed someday.This disease started to circulate all over my body and I have been taking treatment from my doctor, a few weeks ago I came on search on the internet if I could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search I saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HERPES and Cancer) by this Man DR OSE and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so I wrote to DR OSE telling him about my (HEPATITIS B) he told me not to worry that I was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later I started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that I have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if I have been finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advice is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR OSE on( sir I am indeed grateful for the help I will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address ( or you can also WhatsApp him on this number +2348164222865 ,.,

Anonymous said...

My life is beautiful because of you Mein Helfer.Lord jesus into my life as a candlelight in the dark. You showed me the meaning of faith with your words. I know even when i cried all day thinking how to get well you weren’t sleeping you were dear for me.I contacted Dr Itua herbal center lived in west Africa. A friend of mine here in Hamburg she’s from Africa too,She told me about Africa herbs but was nervous about it.I’m really scared when it come to African because i heard allot of fiend things about them due to my christiannity I pray to god for direction,I take a bold step and contact him on email then move to whatsapp he ask if I can come over for the treatment or want a delivery,I said i want to meet him I buy 2 ways ticket down to Africa to meet Dr Itua,I went there and i was speechless Of people I saw there.Patent,Sick people.Dr Itua is a god sent to the world,I told my Pastor about what am into,Pastor Bill Scheer We have a wonderfully Real Battle With Spirit And Flesh.worship that same night,He pray for me and ask me to lead,I spent 2 weeks and 2 days in Africa in Dr Itua Herbal Home,After the treatment He ask me to meet his nurse for Hiv test when i did it was negative,I quitely ask my friend to take me to other nearby hospital when i got there it’s was negative.I was overwhelm with the result,But happy inside me.We went to Dr Itua,I thank him but I explain to him I don’t have enough to show my appreciation he understand my situation but promise him to testify the good work of his.I thank god for my dear friend,Emma I know she might be reading this right now,I want to say thank you.And a big thanks to Dr Itua Herbal Center.He Gave me his calendar which I place on my wall in my house.Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetis,You can contact him on email or whatsapp,,phone number..+2348149277967..He’s nice Doc,Talk to him nicely.I’m sure he will listen to you as well.

Anonymous said...

Am Lisa by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes for 3years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw mr Brown post on how Dr Aba saved him from the VIRUS with his herbal medicine i contacted Dr Aba on his email address we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now. this testimony is real.thanks to Dr Aba God bless you. you can also reach him on his whatsApp number +2348107155060

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

Erika Clarkson said...

Hello my respectable Viewer,i am writing this article to tell the world on how Dr.Zuku brought my Ex Boyfriend back to me,This is the reason why i have taken it upon myself to thank this great spell caster called Dr.Zuku because through his help my life became more filled with love and i am happy to say that my Ex Boyfriend who has been separated from me for the past 3 year came back to me pleading for acceptance from me, This was a shocking event because before i contacted Dr.Zuku i was the one begging my Ex Boyfriend to come back to me but through the assistance of Dr.Zuku i now have my relationship restored. You can also have a better relationship only if you contact: his Mobile number +16177296273

Anonymous said...

patrick favour
My name is favour patric i am from Canada, I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from Herpes Virus. Few months back I was having herpes symptoms virus.; I went to see a doctor and many blood tests was done on me, later on I was told i have Herpes virus in my body. My doctor told me that there's no cure for Herpes I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for Herpes Virus, I saw a post of one mr mark john telling people how Dr. UDURO a herbal doctor that cured him and his wife from Herpes.i search more i met someone again saying the same thins about this man Dr Uduro, so i collected his whatsapp number +2348138634433 I contacted him and told him how I'm feeling he said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine via DHL deliver Service and I received the medicine some days after he sent it, i took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication the symptoms stopped. I went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore, you can contact him via Email or whatsapp OR call his cell phone +2348138634433 website Not true just contact him and get cure from Dr UDURO healing spell cure of all kinds of sickness Like
He can also bring back your Ex lover back to you.Remember delay in treatment leads to death email him via

victoria janniffer said...

I am here to express my profound warm gratitude to the Natural Herbal Medicine, which i got from Dr hazim,after 3 days of communication he sent some herbal medicines to me. I am now leaving a healthy life since the past 5 months after the completion of my Genital and Oral Herpes treatment with the Dr hazim Natural Healing Medicine, i am now completely Herpes Free, after the application and usage of Dr hazim Medicine. Currently the only cure for Herpes, Cancer,Diabetes and every other Human diseases is Dr hazim Herbal Medicine. As i am A living witness of this great miracle, you can save more patient from pharmaceutical scandals by sharing or contacting this great Natural healer for the Medication
via email; ( also call him or WhatsAPP on +2348154641673, Let Stop Herpes with Dr hazim Herbal Medicine. Let`s save life by sharing this on all social network as God will bless you as you share this information that will give every Herpes patient’s a hope for a new Life. Thanks for your Time..

Anonymous said...

My name is Morin Monga, I am from USA, I am here to give my testimony about doctor Uduro who helped me and my wife in our life. we was infected with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2009, we went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, after spending much amout of money, so I was thinking how can I get a solution to cure this deadly virus out of our body. One day I was in the river side thinking where I can go to get solution. so a lady walked to me telling me why am I so sad and i open up to her telling her my problem about me and my wife, she told me that she can help me out, she introduce me to doctor Uduro who uses herbal medication to cure HERPES VIRUS and gave me his email, so i email him via. He told us all the things we needed to do and also give me and my wife instructions follow, which we did properly. he send the medicine to my home address i receive it after three days (3), he told us how to used the medication, we did every things he told us to do we started taking the medicine Before we knew what is happening after three weeks the HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS that was in our body got vanished, we went to hospital for test we tasted native. All thanks to the great DR UDURU for helping me and my family to cure the deadly virus, so if you are also heart broken and also need a help, please contact dr uduro for cure. email him at: CALL OR WHATS-APP HIM +2348138634433 he can also cure this type of virus;DIABETES, CANCER, HEPATITIS ABC HIV/AIDS He can also bring back your Ex lover back YOU

Eric Mark said...

My name is Eric Mark from USA.. I was diagnosed with Herpes Genital Virus and i have been so unhappy everyday and depressed whenever i think that i have this virus in my body, and i had sore in my mouth and penis for the past 6 years, I have been dealing with this disease but I am thankful after seeing a comment on how Dr.Zuku has cured so many others, I email him and he sent me his natural herbs and when i used it within 2 week I was found negative after my Doctor tested me, i also found out that Dr.Zuku has remedy to other diseases such as, HSV 1&2, HEPATITIS B, CANCER,HIVAIDS,DIABETES,And GENITAL WARTS And many more,I am so surprise and happy thank you sir for curing my Herpes Genital Virus Dr.Zuku, you can write to him and get cured. email: his Mobile number +16177296273

Unknown said...

Am Kevin, Thanks to Dr Alli who cured me of weak erection and a small penis. My newly wedded wife wanted to leave me because of premature ejaculation and weak erection of my sex organ. Until I saw Dr Alli s recommendation online, and I decided to communicate with him. And he profiles a solution to my problem. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem or all other issues, you can email him at or call him at +2348100772528

Unknown said...

If you want treatment for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) kindly email totalcureherbalfoundation @ because they helped my stepmother,she was at the point she almost lost her life because she was at the end stage,our doctor said the copd cannot be cured yet she still believed that something must be done,i decided to come on-line if there will be better solution so i met this health clinic on-line https://totalc ureherbalfou.wixsite.c om/website which i decided to give a try,i can assure you that my stepmother is fully free from copd disease with the herbal remedies they sent to me,please if there is anybody who is diagnosed do not hesitate to email them or if there is anybody that needs help kindly forward this testimony

Unknown said...

God bless Dr sebi for his marvelous work in my life, I was diagnosed of
HIV since 2015 and I was taking my medications, I wasn't satisfied i needed
to get the HIV. out of my system, I searched about some possible cure for
HIV i saw a comment about Dr.sebi, how he cured HIV with his herbal
medicine, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked for solutions, he
started the remedy for my health, he sent me the medicine through UPS SPEED
POST. I took the medicine as prescribed by him and 8 days later i was cured
from HIV, you can email him at []
Once again thank you sir
Dr sebi cure the flowing virus, or reach him with his mobile number or whatapps (+2347060441132)
here are the illness he can cure>
1 cancer cure
2 diabetes cure
3 ringing ear
4 herpes cure
5 warts cure
6 HiV cure

Donald LEO said...

Greetings to the general public, I want to tell about how I was cured of Hepatitis B disease by a Doctor called Dr. Alli. I was browsing the Internet searching for remedy on Hepatitis B and I saw a comment of people talking about how Doctor Alli cured them. I was scared because I never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i having no hope of been cured of Hepatitis B so I decided to contact him with his email that was listed on the comment ( when I contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that I took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my Hepatitis B result came out negative. I pray for you Dr. Alli God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being sincere and great men. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem Email: or Add him up on What-sap +2348100772528

Anonymous said...

I can't express my gratitude to Dr MABUWA for making me a living testimony. i have battled with HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2 for about 7years now, and i have done all i can to make sure i am cured but nothing worked out, but miraculously my friend invited me to see a video on his Blog and as i visited i decided to see few of the comment below, and i found some people talking about Dr MABUWA, and i decided to contact this great herbal healer to also help me,so i wrote to him, and he replied me back and assure me that i will get a cure for my HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 2. and after preparing my medicine he sent it to me and when i started using it for 2weeks i was completely cured, I am assuring you that you will be cured if you also contact this great man on his or Call/What app:+2348130714541

Unknown said...

If you want treatment for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) kindly email totalcureherbalfoundation@ because they helped my stepmother,she was at the point she almost lost her life because she was at the end stage,our doctor said the copd cannot be cured yet she still believed that something must be done,i decided to come on-line if there will be better solution so i met this health clinic on-line https://totalcureherbalfou.wixsit which i decided to give a try,i can assure you that my stepmother is fully free from copd disease with the herbal remedies they sent to me,please if there is anybody who is diagnosed do not hesitate to email them or if there is anybody that needs help kindly forward this testimony

Unknown said...

If you want treatment for Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) kindly email totalcureherbalfoundation@ because they helped my stepmother,she was at the point she almost lost her life because she was at the end stage,our doctor said the copd cannot be cured yet she still believed that something must be done,i decided to come on-line if there will be better solution so i met this health clinic on-line https://totalcureherbalfou.wixsit which i decided to give a try,i can assure you that my stepmother is fully free from copd disease with the herbal remedies they sent to me,please if there is anybody who is diagnosed do not hesitate to email them or if there is anybody that needs help kindly forward this testimony

Tosha Parker said...

I am very happy to share this amazing testimony Dr.Zuku herbs help me to cure my Herpes Simplex Disease and i have this Herpes 3 months ago.. i had unprotected with man i met and he did tell me he had Herpes disease after some weeks later i started seeing bump and sore on my vaginal, and i was so scared so i went to my doctor and did some test and behold i was confirmed Herpes positive, i went home so confuse and frustrated about this, especially when i was told there was no permanent cure for it, i said to myself i need to research about this, maybe there might be a herbal help for me, and so i did and when i was researching about herbal herbs, i keep seeing Dr.Zuku on every blog and guestbook, so i immediately wrote to Dr.Zuku, after we discuss he prepared my medicine and sent it to me, within few days i received my medicine and started applying it as instructed within 2weeks Dr.Zuku told me to go and check up, and i did, shocking my result came out negative, i am so thanks to you sir,
contacthis email address,

more information Number :+16177296273

by Dr.Zuku website

Anonymous said...

I have been suffering from HIV disease for the past Three years and Eight months. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday. And i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on a search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (HIV AND HERPES) by this Man DR Ezra and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of great help, so i wrote to DR Ezra telling him about my HIV DISEASE he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured! but i never believed it, So after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have been cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr Ezra with this Email: or contact him through his Tel.No:+2348116755255 on Whatsapp. He said he is also Specialize in curing Any kinds of disease like: Sarciodosis Disease, DIABETES, CANCER, HEPATITIS, SYPHILIS, EPILEPSY, Human papillomavirus(HPV). Or any other disease you are suffering from. Sir i am indeed grateful for the help.

Anonymous said...

My name is Evans from UK, i was diagnosed with Hepatitis B for 2years and i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr Peter post on how Dr Ere saved him from the VIRUS with herbal medicine i contacted Dr Ere on his email address we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest man on earth now ,,contact Dr Ere on his email address today and get your cure.

anonymous said...

Great thanks to Dr Isikolo of Isikolo Supernatural Home (, for the great help rendered to me. i had penis enlargement problems before now, i had tried so many products but couldn't get the best results as i desired
it until i got to know about the super penis enlargement skills of Dr Isikolo. I was happy and relieved of my nightmares when i received Dr Isikolo super penis enlargement medicine at my home from the DHL, and i took the medicines as instructed, i was so amazed the first time i noticed that my penis was gradually getting bigger and also i was lasting longer on sex. I followed on with open eyes till about 4 weeks of using the
medicine when i noticed my penis was already 8 inches long. Now i can satisfy any woman in this world and
also proudly say am a man when it comes to staying longer on sex.
I believe you too can get this super penis enlargement medicine from Dr Isikolo through his email: on or whatsapp: +2348133261196

anonymous said...

Great thanks to Dr Isikolo of Isikolo Supernatural Home (, for the great help rendered to me. i had penis enlargement problems before now, i had tried so many products but couldn't get the best results as i desired
it until i got to know about the super penis enlargement skills of Dr Isikolo. I was happy and relieved of my nightmares when i received Dr Isikolo super penis enlargement medicine at my home from the DHL, and i took the medicines as instructed, i was so amazed the first time i noticed that my penis was gradually getting bigger and also i was lasting longer on sex. I followed on with open eyes till about 4 weeks of using the
medicine when i noticed my penis was already 8 inches long. Now i can satisfy any woman in this world and
also proudly say am a man when it comes to staying longer on sex.
I believe you too can get this super penis enlargement medicine from Dr Isikolo through his email: on or whatsapp: +2348133261196

Lynne Anderson said...

I am here to testifies on how Dr Uyi help me to cure my sickness Herpes which has been eating me up for some years now, and when I go online I saw his email on how u can call his mobile number or you can whatsAPP: +2348077199766..he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 2 weeks of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 4th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the herpes virus was gone, and now am so happy and free from it thanks to Dr Uyi. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on his email address:: or you can call his mobile number or you can whatsAPP: +2348077199766..

Julian Ellis said...

Julian from Eugene, Oregon. I was diagnosed of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in 2012 at the age of 63. I had been a heavy smoker, my symptoms started out with dry cough and shortness of breath, i ended up in the hospital, on a ventilator. I should have known it was coming, but like most smokers, thought it would never happen to me. My COPD got significantly worse and unbearable because of my difficulty catching breath. Last year, i started on a natural COPD Herbal therapy from NewLife Herbal Clinic, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. I had great relief with this herbal treatment. I breath very much better now, no case of shortness of breath or chest tightness since treatment, my lungs condition is totally reversed. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic website ww w. newlifeherbalclinic. com. This treatment is a miracle!!

Julian Ellis said...

Julian from Eugene, Oregon. I was diagnosed of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in 2012 at the age of 63. I had been a heavy smoker, my symptoms started out with dry cough and shortness of breath, i ended up in the hospital, on a ventilator. I should have known it was coming, but like most smokers, thought it would never happen to me. My COPD got significantly worse and unbearable because of my difficulty catching breath. Last year, i started on a natural COPD Herbal therapy from NewLife Herbal Clinic, i read a lot of positive reviews from patients who used the treatment and i immediately started on it. I had great relief with this herbal treatment. I breath very much better now, no case of shortness of breath or chest tightness since treatment, my lungs condition is totally reversed. Visit NewLife Herbal Clinic website ww w. newlifeherbalclinic. com. This treatment is a miracle!!

kennedy paaker said...

he just helped me get rid of herpes simplex virus !
I've been trying for months to get a cure to my herpes but couldn't get any. i have cried every week about this and i searched and searched for a possible cure and who would help me but i got scammed by a lot of them, i felt like i couldn't live
then i came across a testimony of one Mrs grace who was cured of ALS BY this wonderful and understanding herbal healer
peter wise and immediately i contacted him and explain my condition to him he sent me his powerful herpes simplex virus herbs which i took and in less than a month all my body got healed , i couldn't believe it, now am free of herpes,totally free no more pains and my mouth , my genital area are so fresh and clear now ,
thank you so much peter wise! call or WHATSAPP him now at +2349059610643
if you have ANY problem and need it solved

Unknown said...

I would love you to contact :Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail. com they shall provide you all the herbal formula that can help you get rid of COPD emphysema,for the past 9 years has been a terrible years for me because i was diagnosed with copd emphysema,i'm 59 and and fully cure of copd by Total cure herbal foundation which i found on-line,my condition was very bad which i have been currently on 24/7 oxygen, nebulizer, pro air.,early this year during my research on Google i found this herbal foundation which someone posted on how they help her with emphysema disease so i decided to email them also and they gave me all the steps which i did properly,the herbal medicine aims to return the body to a state of natural balance, so that it can start healing itself,email them now to stop your nightmare.
Totalcureherbalfoundation gmail .com

Anonymous said...

HIV Virus is a very terrible virus, if not for my Husband and the help of the great Dr.Ezra my life would have been a mess! I was diagnose with HIV virus in 2014, my husband encouraged me, and told me not to lose hope, I manage to give birth to a baby Boy who was free from this virus, and my Husband was always there for me! One day he came to me and told me that he have found a man who can cure me. Base on scientist, they said there is no cure for HIV virus; he told me that he has seen many testimonies about him on the internet. We decided to contact him, and he asked us to buy some local root and herbs items which we did! and he prepared for me a herbal medicine and 1 month later he asked me to go for medical test, faithfully and hopefully i went for the medical test, and Behold I was cured from this virus and its was not found in my Body system again. My Dear Husband and my Father Dr.Ezra, God will surely bless the both of you till the end of time, If you have any problem kindly contact him via his Email: or you can call or message him on WhatsApp with this number +2348116755255.

Joankells said...

Great thanks to Dr Isikolo of Isikolo Supernatural Home (, for the great help rendered to me. i had penis enlargement problems before now, i had tried so many products but couldn't get the best results as i desired
it until i got to know about the super penis enlargement skills of Dr Isikolo. I was happy and relieved of my nightmares when i received Dr Isikolo super penis enlargement medicine at my home from the DHL, and i took the medicines as instructed, i was so amazed the first time i noticed that my penis was gradually getting bigger and also i was lasting longer on sex. I followed on with open eyes till about 4 weeks of using the
medicine when i noticed my penis was already 8 inches long. Now i can satisfy any woman in this world and
also proudly say am a man when it comes to staying longer on sex.
I believe you too can get this super penis enlargement medicine from Dr Isikolo through his email: on or whatsapp: +2348133261196

Unknown said...

hello viwers My name is pamela Gard from usa, i was diagnosed with Hepatitis B for 2years and i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mrs Isabella post on how Dr paula saved him from the VIRUS with his medicine i contacted Dr paula we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest woman on earth now ,,contact Dr paul on his email address today and get your cure.
you can also reach him on his whats app number+2348128311475. am sure he can also cure any type of disease like HIV/AIDS.
this is my number you can also call me and confirm+16623462495../

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Patricia Shiels said...

I am from Usa i was diagnosed with HSV TPYE 2 while I was pregnant .I cried for days. I was devasted and looking up info on it just made it worse. I don't know how long I have had it for. I don't know if my partner has it or if he was the one who transferred it to me. I had one outbreak while pregnant. That's how I found out I had the virus. I started taking and antiviral and took it everyday twice a day to make sure I wasn't able to get an outbreak. I debated whether I wanted to have my daughter natural or c- section. I was terrified. Stress wasn't helping my situation. I ended up having her natural and she is a beautiful healthy 2 month old baby girl. I try not to think about me having the virus because of my depression i couldn't. so I have to focus more on how to get rid of HSV TPYE 2 because i don't want anything to happen to my daughter and thank God she was born fine. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like acyclovir, Zovirax, and (valacyclovir)Valtrex without without get rid of my virus. one day i decide to surf the internet for cure so i saw a testimony total cure of HERPES by Dr. EHIAGWINA with NATURAL HERBS so i pick up the email Address: and contact he an hour latar he reply explain to me how am going to get the herbs and how am going to use it to cure my viruse i give a try believe me it work perfectly i used it within seven days now am tested negative i'm free from the viruse thanks Doc. for so many passing through this contact Dr. EHIAGWINA to help you get rid of the virus. here is his email address: you can also call or add him on whatspp +2348162084504 He can as well cure so many diseases like...........
1. ALS
2. HPV
6. BREAST AND PENIS ENLARGEMENT and others diseases i can't remember now.Thanks Doc am so happy today

chastini Rose said...

My name is Chastini Rose,from USA and am a force woman and i have a very bad sickness know as hepatitis b and i was really searching for help, i have bought some many drugs but to no avail until when i came across a comment of about 8 to 9 fellower testifying for what this Dr has done in their life so with that i know i myself will surely get help so i email this man and told him how i have been doing ever since i have this sickness and he ask me something and i did as he says and he also ask me to give him a day and i did as he say so on the nest day he email me and inform me on how he had sent the medicine through DHL and within in the evening i receive the message containing the medicine and he inform me on how to use which i followed and in the nest 9th days of it he email me and ask me to go for test which i did and surprisely my problem have been solve and that’s how i was free from this sickness so do you need help email this Dr for help via his or call +2347059055577 or whats app him for your solution

chastini Rose said...

My name is Chastini Rose,from USA and am a force woman and i have a very bad sickness know as hepatitis b and i was really searching for help, i have bought some many drugs but to no avail until when i came across a comment of about 8 to 9 fellower testifying for what this Dr has done in their life so with that i know i myself will surely get help so i email this man and told him how i have been doing ever since i have this sickness and he ask me something and i did as he says and he also ask me to give him a day and i did as he say so on the nest day he email me and inform me on how he had sent the medicine through DHL and within in the evening i receive the message containing the medicine and he inform me on how to use which i followed and in the nest 9th days of it he email me and ask me to go for test which i did and surprisely my problem have been solve and that’s how i was free from this sickness so do you need help email this Dr for help via his or call +2347059055577 or whats app him for your solution

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

anonymous said...


hello everyone i am little bit ashamed to share this marvelous story about a great spell caster who helped me enlarge my small penis size through his herbal mixture cream,i was heartbroken before because i have a very small penis about 3.5 inches which was so annoying and shameful i could not satisfy my wife in bed ,,my marriage was really breaking and i needed help urgently,i have used pills,vaccines,drugs,surgery but none one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about how Mr MICHAEL PAULSON from USA testified of how he helped him enlarge his penis and also cured his dad diabetes type 2 disease,,i contacted him through his email: he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the herbal cream to me through UPS and i received it within 4 days and used the herbal cream for just 14 days to my greatest surprise my penis that was 3.5 inches before enlarge to 10 inches long when fully erected ,for just two weeks of using his herbal mixture cream ,,wow my wife loved me more and was so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than before thank you so much dDR ISIKOLO for making life a better one to live in ..
note he also have cure for
so if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email or whatsapp him on +2348133261196 thanks

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

bruce scott said...

I feel happy to bring my personal clinical experiences regarding the Natural Penis Enlargement Treatment. I have been practicing for the last 9 years both modern medicine as well as herbal medicine in different cases. So far, I have not come across a product like DR john Penis Enlargement Treatment, until i contacted Dr john which has shown very encouraging results in improving both sexual desire and function. I tested these products with diabetic patients particularly in whom sexual impotence is quite common. I found very good results in those diabetic patients who enjoyed increased sexual function and improved orgasms with the Natural Penis Enlargement Treatment. The herbs used in this formula have shown a positive effect on male sexual functions in terms of increasing desire and offering strong sexual enhancement. In addition, I found that product have shown a considerable increase in the tissue size of the penis and long erection irrespective of age. I feel that this formula can be recommended for those who need real sexual enhancement and better orgasms with a safe and natural effect. Contact him on Email: { or whatsapp him on +2348060259313,

Joankells said...


hello everyone i am little bit ashamed to share this marvelous story about a great spell caster who helped me enlarge my small penis size through his herbal mixture cream,i was heartbroken before because i have a very small penis about 3.5 inches which was so annoying and shameful i could not satisfy my wife in bed ,,my marriage was really breaking and i needed help urgently,i have used pills,vaccines,drugs,surgery but none one faithful day as i was browsing through the internet i saw few comments on a forum about how Mr MICHAEL PAULSON from USA testified of how he helped him enlarge his penis and also cured his dad diabetes type 2 disease,,i contacted him through his email: he replied and gave me steps to follow and i did just as he said ,and he sent me the herbal cream to me through UPS and i received it within 4 days and used the herbal cream for just 14 days to my greatest surprise my penis that was 3.5 inches before enlarge to 10 inches long when fully erected ,for just two weeks of using his herbal mixture cream ,,wow my wife loved me more and was so happy that i can satisfy her very well now in bed ,,i even last longer than before thank you so much dDR ISIKOLO for making life a better one to live in ..
note he also have cure for
so if you are out there having similar problems please contact him now on his email or whatsapp him on +2348133261196 thanks

Unknown said...

I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to the Great Dr. EMUA. After been diagnosed of HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2014, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found testimonies of Great Dr. EMUA in an online research and on Facebook, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, i was cured from herpes by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that herpes can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I'm truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via his email or for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app with this number +2347063628174, one thing i love most about DR EMUA is honestly, and he is very polite with his customers, everything he told me was what he did, and his herbal medicine are very affordable.

Unknown said...

I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to the Great Dr. EMUA. After been diagnosed of HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2014, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found testimonies of Great Dr. EMUA in an online research and on Facebook, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, i was cured from herpes by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that herpes can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I'm truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via his email or for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app with this number +2347063628174, one thing i love most about DR EMUA is honestly, and he is very polite with his customers, everything he told me was what he did, and his herbal medicine are very affordable.

Unknown said...

I still don’t know the right words to express my gratitude to the Great Dr. EMUA. After been diagnosed of HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS in 2014, i was given so many health prescription and advice with no improvement, I totally lost hope, until i found testimonies of Great Dr. EMUA in an online research and on Facebook, Like anybody would be, I was very skeptical about contacting him, but i later did and he opened up to me and told me what was involved and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, i was cured from herpes by the herbal medication I received from him. I never thought that herpes can be cured, from the bottom of my heart I'm truly grateful,i pray you have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your herbal medical support, You can Email him via his email or for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app with this number +2347063628174, one thing i love most about DR EMUA is honestly, and he is very polite with his customers, everything he told me was what he did, and his herbal medicine are very affordable.

Unknown said...

I have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease even though I don't have the DaTscan until may 22. I was being tested for multiple sclerosis and have been displaying symptoms for around 3 years, shaking, twitching, rigidity, neck pain and anxiety. I am a 61 year old female.
I started falling a lot when losing my balance and had a hard time walking normal,for the past few years my life hasn't remain the same,i almost spent all my money on medical treatment not until i found totalcureherbalfoundation gmail. com online who helped me get rid of this disease,i then started using a Total cure herbal foundation herbal remedies.i start to use their herbal formula which was the best i ever had,i used this herbal remedies for weeks and i can proudly say i fully cure of Parkinson (PD) disease.
totalcureherbalfoundation gmail .com

anonymous said...

Great thanks to Dr Isikolo of Isikolo Supernatural Home (, for the great help rendered to me. i had penis enlargement problems before now, i had tried so many products but couldn't get the best results as i desired
it until i got to know about the super penis enlargement skills of Dr Isikolo. I was happy and relieved of my nightmares when i received Dr Isikolo super penis enlargement medicine at my home from the DHL, and i took the medicines as instructed, i was so amazed the first time i noticed that my penis was gradually getting bigger and also i was lasting longer on sex. I followed on with open eyes till about 4 weeks of using the
medicine when i noticed my penis was already 8 inches long. Now i can satisfy any woman in this world and
also proudly say am a man when it comes to staying longer on sex.
I believe you too can get this super penis enlargement medicine from Dr Isikolo through his email: on or whatsapp: +2348133261196

Unknown said...

Sophia William
I am the daughter of a 58 year old with IPF- It has been the most difficult thing to deal with for myself my dad and my family. As day by day goes by watching my dad suffer hurts more than words can explain....I was so determined to stop this horrible disease...After some years of research online i finally got a solution ,i saw so many positive post online about Good health herbs home,i purchased their herbal remedies for IPF ,my dad used the herbal remedy for 6 weeks and he was totally cured of IPF,my dad is now back to normal life all thanks to good health herbs home.please for more information about good health herbs home contact details www goodhealthherbshome com

Unknown said...

Sophia William
I am the daughter of a 58 year old with IPF- It has been the most difficult thing to deal with for myself my dad and my family. As day by day goes by watching my dad suffer hurts more than words can explain....I was so determined to stop this horrible disease...After some years of research online i finally got a solution ,i saw so many positive post online about Good health herbs home,i purchased their herbal remedies for IPF ,my dad used the herbal remedy for 6 weeks and he was totally cured of IPF,my dad is now back to normal life all thanks to good health herbs home.please for more information about good health herbs home contact details www goodhealthherbshome .com

renna jones said...

hello everyone i’m so grateful to DR.losa for curing me completely from herpes virus . I was told i have herpes in 2011, i have been taking different kinds of medication still yet no improvement until i saw testimonies of DR.LOSA curing Herpes, Diabetes, HIV and other disease i was skeptical about contacting him but i also knew the importance of herbal medicine, i made up my mind and contacted him we talked on phone and he prepared and gave me medicine which i took according to his dosage information. Now I’m so happy I’m cured from Herpes my heart is so filled with joy, thank you so much DR.LOSA. If you are reading this and you have Herpes or any kind of disease contact him today HIM OR CALL+2349050141109.
He cure listed diseases

Vivian Anderson said...

I want to share this wonderful testimony to the people all over the world on how i was cured of herpes disease by Dr OJIE,I'm Juilet i was living with herpes for the past two years, just last month as i was browsing on the internet about this deadly disease, i saw a testimony of somebody called Jason, testifying of how he was cured from herpes by Dr OJIE and i decided to also email this Dr OJIE via and tell him about my problem, he told me to send him some of my personal details which i did and then he prepare the treatments and send them to me through DHL. he give me the instructions on how to use the treatment for 14 days and after 7 days, he told me to go for herpes test which i did and to my greatest surprise i was confirmed Negative.. all thanks be to Dr OJIE and God almighty for curing me of this deathly disease after 2 years and if you know that you are in this same problem email him now via email <> and i strongly believe that he will help you just as he did mine.

Unknown said...

i was diagnosed of herpes in 2015 and I tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including herpes virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email i bought the herpes herbal medicine and received it through DHL within 7 days and used it as prescribed, i tested negative to herpes virus within 3 weeks of usage, Do not loose hope too soon contact him If you need his help you can Email him @
for easy and fast communication you can also call or add him on whats-app with this number +2348130556006 and i am confident he will help you too.

Patricia Shiels said...

I am from USA i was diagnosed with HSV TPYE 2 while I was pregnant .I cried for days. I was devastated and looking up info on it just made it worse. I don't know how long I have had it for. I don't know if my partner has it or if he was the one who transferred it to me. I had one outbreak while pregnant. That's how I found out I had the virus. I started taking and antiviral and took it everyday twice a day to make sure I wasn't able to get an outbreak. I debated whether I wanted to have my daughter natural or c- section. I was terrified. Stress wasn't helping my situation. I ended up having her natural and she is a beautiful healthy 2 month old baby girl. I try not to think about me having the virus because of my depression i couldn't. so I have to focus more on how to get rid of HSV TPYE 2 because i don't want anything to happen to my daughter and thank God she was born fine. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like acyclovir, Zovirax, and (valacyclovir)Valtrex without without get rid of my virus. one day i decide to surf the internet for cure so i saw a testimony total cure of HERPES by Dr. EHIAGWINA with NATURAL HERBS so i pick up the email Address: and contact he an hour later he reply explain to me how am going to get the herbs and how am going to use it to cure my virus i give a try believe me it work perfectly i used it within seven days now am tested negative i am free from the virus thanks Doc. for so many passing through this contact Dr. EHIAGWINA to help you get rid of the virus. here is his email address: you can also call or add him on whats app +2348162084504 He can as well cure so many diseases like...........
1. ALS
2. HPV
6. BREAST AND PENIS ENLARGEMENT and others diseases i can't remember now.Thanks Doc am so happy today

Patricia Shiels said...

I am from USA i was diagnosed with HSV TPYE 2 while I was pregnant .I cried for days. I was devastated and looking up info on it just made it worse. I don't know how long I have had it for. I don't know if my partner has it or if he was the one who transferred it to me. I had one outbreak while pregnant. That's how I found out I had the virus. I started taking and antiviral and took it everyday twice a day to make sure I wasn't able to get an outbreak. I debated whether I wanted to have my daughter natural or c- section. I was terrified. Stress wasn't helping my situation. I ended up having her natural and she is a beautiful healthy 2 month old baby girl. I try not to think about me having the virus because of my depression i couldn't. so I have to focus more on how to get rid of HSV TPYE 2 because i don't want anything to happen to my daughter and thank God she was born fine. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like acyclovir, Zovirax, and (valacyclovir)Valtrex without without get rid of my virus. one day i decide to surf the internet for cure so i saw a testimony total cure of HERPES by Dr. EHIAGWINA with NATURAL HERBS so i pick up the email Address: and contact he an hour later he reply explain to me how am going to get the herbs and how am going to use it to cure my virus i give a try believe me it work perfectly i used it within seven days now am tested negative i am free from the virus thanks Doc. for so many passing through this contact Dr. EHIAGWINA to help you get rid of the virus. here is his email address: you can also call or add him on whats app +2348162084504 He can as well cure so many diseases like...........
1. ALS
2. HPV
6. BREAST AND PENIS ENLARGEMENT and others diseases i can't remember now.Thanks Doc am so happy today

sabrina said...

Great thanks to Dr Isikolo of Isikolo Supernatural Home (, for the great help rendered to me. i had penis enlargement problems before now, i had tried so many products but couldn't get the best results as i desired it until i got to know about the super penis enlargement skills of Dr Isikolo. I was happy and relieved of my nightmares when i received Dr Isikolo super penis enlargement medicine at my home from the DHL, and i took the medicines as instructed, i was so amazed the first time i noticed that my penis was gradually getting bigger and also i was lasting longer on sex. I followed on with open eyes till about 4 weeks of using the medicine when i noticed my penis was already 8 inches long. Now i can satisfy any woman in this world and also proudly say am a man when it comes to staying longer on sex.
I believe you too can get this super penis enlargement medicine from Dr Isikolo through his email: on or whatsapp: +2348133261196

Unknown said...

My freedom from HERPES VIRUS remain a shock to me and that fact got me into all manner of test and all results remain negative.
The remedy for STDs/STDs was used on me by Dr Osewe and God so faithful my hsv1&2 was cured in the process, I doubted him when he told me his herbs will cure my herpes.He made his words true and healed me of herpes and now I'm happy. Here is his email if you would like to give it a try too:

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, i am so grateful to Dr.Ezra for curing me completely from COPD DISEASE. I was told by my medical doctor that i have COPD Few years ago, and ever since i have been taking different kinds of medication and yet no improvement until i saw testimonies of Dr.Ezra about how he has been curing people from different kinds of diseases Although i was skeptical about contacting him, but i also knew the importance of herbal medicine, then i made up my mind and contacted him we talked on phone and he prepared and gave me the medicine which i took according to his instructions. Now I’m so happy I’m 100% free from COPD. My heart is so filled with joy, thank you so much Dr.Ezra. If you are reading this and you have COPD or any other disease you can contact Dr.Ezra today on this Email address: or WhatsApp or call him on this number +2348116755255.
He cures all manner of diseases like
What ever the disease may be just contact him and he will surly cure you without having any side effect.

Anonymous said...

I was smoking since the age of 16. Last year I went for lung functioning tests! I am now 66. I was experiencing bad cough, large amounts of mucus, very little energy, and continued smoking. I visited my doctor and a chest x-ray was carried out, guess what, i was diagnosed of COPD. I took Spiriva 30/C/Dev 18 mcg every day for three months no changes,after using COPD herbal formula i purchased from BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE for 5 weeks,my airflow was perfect,no more cough and chest tightness was over .All thanks to God for leading to BEST HEALTH HERBAL CENTRE. please visit their website for more information.. ww

Margaret Anthony said...

GET RID OF HERPES WITH THE HELP OF HERBAL COCO MIXTURE BY A SPECIALIZED HERBALIST DR OLUBAOLUBA. Am so exacted to share a testimony on how i easily get ride of herpes with the help of herbal medication. I have been suffering for genital herpes for so many years i visit different kinds of medical Doctors spent so much money on medical treatment all to know avail i was at the point of forestation when a friend of my mine in Virginia Islands introduce me to Dr OLUBAOLUBA who cured her and husband from herpes with the help of herbal medication she advice me to contact Dr OLUBAOLUBA via which i decided to contact Dr OLUBAOLUBA and explain all my problems to him, he encourage me not to worry and promise to prepare a herbal medication that will completely help me get ride of herpes within 14 days of usage really he prepare the herbal medication and send it to me vie DHL delivery services which i successfully receive and make use of it according to his instructions after 14 days i went for medical health check to God be the glory i am completely free from genital herpes, please if you are experiencing outbreak or HSV Vitim i will advise you to contact Dr OLUBAOLUBA via or +393512535194 for more information on how you can easily get ride of herpes with the help of herbal medication.

dr okosun said...

caI can’t believe how Dr Peters cured my Herpes. I was infected with herpes 2 years ago, and I took several drugs prescribed to me from several doctors, but all my effort was wasted as none of the drugs cures me. i cried all day thinking on how i can be cured of this illness, i lost hope while i was looking for solution for my health,but one faithful day, i was searching the internet and i came across several testimonies about Dr. Peters and how he has cured so many infected individual, so i contacted his email: and ordered his herpes cure medicine. Am so happy that just few days of taking Dr Peters medicines my herpes was cured permanently. Dr Peters also have cure to
Herpes 1/2
ALS etc...
If you have this ailment or whatsoever you might be suffering from you should contact: Call/WhatsApp: +2349037067348

dr okosun said...

caI can’t believe how Dr Peters cured my Herpes. I was infected with herpes 2 years ago, and I took several drugs prescribed to me from several doctors, but all my effort was wasted as none of the drugs cures me. i cried all day thinking on how i can be cured of this illness, i lost hope while i was looking for solution for my health,but one faithful day, i was searching the internet and i came across several testimonies about Dr. Peters and how he has cured so many infected individual, so i contacted his email: and ordered his herpes cure medicine. Am so happy that just few days of taking Dr Peters medicines my herpes was cured permanently. Dr Peters also have cure to
Herpes 1/2
ALS etc...
If you have this ailment or whatsoever you might be suffering from you should contact: Call/WhatsApp: +2349037067348

Premiermedicaid said...

I feel happy to bring my personal clinical experiences regarding the Naturalis Penis Enlargement Treatment. I have been practicing for the last 9 years both modern medicine as well as herbal medicine in different cases. So far, I have not come across a product like Priest Aluta Penis Enlargement Treatment, until i contacted Dr ISIKOLO which has shown very encouraging results in improving both sexual desire and function. I tested these products with diabetic patients particularly in whom sexual impotence is quite common. I found very good results in those diabetic patients who enjoyed increased sexual function and improved orgasms with the Naturalis Penis Enlargement Treatment. The herbs used in this formula have shown a positive effect on male sexual functions in terms of increasing desire and offering strong sexual enhancement. In addition, I found that product have shown a considerable increase in the tissue size of the penis and long erection irrespective of age. I feel that this formula can be recommended for those who need real sexual enhancement and better orgasms with a safe and natural effect. Contact him on Email: or whatsapp him on +2348133261196

Unknown said...

Hello Friends i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr Onokun cured my HPV virus that have been in body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr Onokun the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr Onokun that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS C VIRUS,HERPES VIRUS,ALS VIRUS. you can contact his via: or whatapps, call +2349064844957.

Unknown said...

Hello Friends i am so glad to write this article today to tell the world how Dr Onokun cured my HPV virus that have been in body since five years ago, ever since then my life has been in complete,i have used so many drugs that was prescribed to me by several doctors,but it didn't cure my HPV VIRUS neither did it reduce the pain, i was checking for solution on the internet then miraculously came across Dr Onokun the powerful herbalist that cure HPV INFECTION,then i contacted his email, i explained everything to him and he prepared a herbal cure and send it to me that was how i got cured from HPV disease totally after receiving his herbal medicine, so my friends viewers why waiting and be suffering with this HPV virus when there is someone like Dr Onokun that can cure any disease HIV/ CANCER/ HEPATITIS C VIRUS,HERPES VIRUS,ALS VIRUS. you can contact his via: or whatapps, call +2349064844957.

Unknown said...

I would like to let all know that the size of your Penis really matters in your relationship or marriage. I got married to my wife about 1 month after we met on a photo studio, we lived happily for the first 3 months of our marriage until i and my wife started having quarrels at home because i couldn't satisfy her on bed with my little penis. Actually my penis was very small, it measured about 4.5 inch long on erection and i am 39 years old. My wife said it was forbidden by the women of this world. My wife started sleeping with other men outside. Sometimes i will return from work without finding my wife at home and whenever i call or ask her where she was, she will always snub at me and sometimes just tell me to go get a larger dick. All this continued for a long time and it hurt me so much that i was at the edge of breaking up on the marriage till when i read about a doctor called DR.Moses Buba. online. I never thought i could smile and be in a happy marriage again if not for the help of DR.Moses Buba. I got the doctors Emails:( ) on the internet and i emailed him, and he got back to me with some encouraging words, he got me some herbs cream which i use for just 8 days and i began to feel the enlargement of my penis, and without surgery. This went on for a little period of about 10 days and to my surprise my wife keeps screaming that she love my big dick now. Now my wife no longer cheat on me, and my penis is now about 10.5 inches long on erection and off course very large round. And now my wife uses breasts, hips and bums enlargement. I and my wife are very happy for the help rendered to me by DR.Moses Buba, and i want to say a big thanks to Doctor for the help. You can contact the Doctor now on his Email:( ) Am thankful to the doctor for helping me.

5 IF YOU NEED A BABY SPELLhim to solve
get all your problem solve. No problem is too big for him to solve.

Unknown said...

Though i haven't met DR ITAMA but i have being hearing and seeing his
wonderful deeds on people's life.. This made me contacted him because i was
also diagnosed of herpes virus, When i contacted Him, without wasting time, he
started his Miraculous work in my Life, I am happy and Glad to say that i
am now cured after using his herbal Medicine.. You can also reach him or reach him on +2349067894643 he also
special on curing

Unknown said...

Though i haven't met DR ITAMA but i have being hearing and seeing his
wonderful deeds on people's life.. This made me contacted him because i was
also diagnosed of herpes virus, When i contacted Him, without wasting time, he
started his Miraculous work in my Life, I am happy and Glad to say that i
am now cured after using his herbal Medicine.. You can also reach him or reach him on +2349067894643 he also
special on curing

Unknown said...

i’m giving a testimony about dr.itama the great Herbalist, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my herpes simplex virus, though I went through different website I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalist, I was like: ‘Many people have the herpes simplex virus cure why are people still suffering from it?’ I though of it, then I contact, I didn’t believe him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared it (CURE) and sent it to Airfreight Online Courier Service for delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that 3-5 days I will receive the package and i took the medicine as prescribed by him and I went for check-up 1 week after finishing the medicine, I was tested herpes simplex virus negative, if you are herpes simplex virus patient do me a favor for you to contact him and I will try my possible best to make sure you get cured, when you contact him, make sure you tell him that I referenced you.. contact him via:

Unknown said...

HIV is a serious and recurring disease which can't be cured through drugs or injections by the American doctors but the best way to deal with HIV is by taking natural herbs medicine for it and is only few American doctors that know about this herbal medicine from Doctor Benson. I have read about Dr Benson the great herbal doctor from African who can cure HIV with his powerful herbal medicine. for the people suffering from the following diseases HIV, Herpes, Cancer, ALS, Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV, Infections ETC should contact him for his herbal medicine because i am a living testimony and i was cured of HIV. Although, i sent him what he requested and he sent me his medicine which i took for three weeks and today when i went for test i was tested HIV negative. you can reach him through his email on( you can also whats-app/call him through his number(+2348141972381)

Anonymous said...

I Was Diagnosed With Herpes 8 Year Ago I lived In Pain, With The Knowledge That I Wasn't Going To Ever Be Well Again I Contacted So Many Herbal Doctors And Also Visited Hospitals All In Vain My Condition Never Got Better I Was Determined To Get Cured, So One Day As I Was Browsing True The Internet I Saw A Past About This Particular Woman (Wilshere Stancy) Posted On How Dr Iyoha Saved Her From The Virus With Herbal Medicine I Decided To Contact Dr Iyoha On His Email Address: We Spoke On The Issue I Told Him All That I Went Through And He Told Me Not To Worry That Everything Will Be Fine Again So He Prepared The Medicine And Sent It To Me And Told Me On How To Use It,After 2 Weeks Of Usage I Went To See Doctor For Test ,Then The Result Was Negative,Am The Happiest Woman On Earth Today..Thanks To Dr Iyoha God Bless You, You Can Also Reach Him With This Details;


Call +1 (407) 337-9869
He also cure these virus
{4} Blood Cancer
{5} HPV
{6} ALS
{7} Hepatitis
{8} Vitiligo

Anonymous said...

I found out that I have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease three years ago. I quit smoking for a few days and started back up because it seems everyone around me smokes, my boyfriend, daughters, son-in-law and it makes it so hard to truly quit and yes I know I'm slowly killing myself. I've been a smoker for 38 years was down to three or four cigarettes a day then started smoking like crazy again. I really do want to quit just don't have the willpower! So if you don't smoke now don't ever start,because if not for this herbal remedies i bought from total cure herbal foundation i believed i should av been with my tank now, it's no fun getting this sick and trying to fight the urge not to smoke. I hurt so bad everyday, my back and my lungs. I wake myself up at night with my wheezing. I cough all the time I cant breath when I'm laying down. I use 2 different inhalers three to four times a day and also do breathing treatments at home.But i was able to get rid of this disease totally through the means of which i purchase from them,this herbal foundation are the only place where you can find the right herbal medicine to any diseases including COPD emphysema.

Unknown said...

I decided to share this amazing testimony of my life, on this form about how Dr.itama helped me,because i knew so many people who will still be having the same issues, which you are finding so difficult to solve. I have been suffering from HIV, for the past 2 years now. I have visited so many doctors, and hospitals and I could not get the solution to my sickness. I decided to go through the internet for help and i found a testimony of a lady about how she got cured from hiv by a herbal doctor,i contacted he and never believe I could get cured so fast. What a relief, he has done in my life,i was completely cure after taking his herbal cure and now am HIV negative, you too can get cured today, from any kind of deadly diseases and virus by Dr.itama contacting him immediately via email: or call/watsap him +2348165485326

Anonymous said...

I Was Diagnosed With Herpes 8 Year Ago I lived In Pain, With The Knowledge That I Wasn't Going To Ever Be Well Again I Contacted So Many Herbal Doctors And Also Visited Hospitals All In Vain My Condition Never Got Better I Was Determined To Get Cured, So One Day As I Was Browsing True The Internet I Saw A Past About This Particular Woman (Wilshere Stancy) Posted On How Dr Iyoha Saved Her From The Virus With Herbal Medicine I Decided To Contact Dr Iyoha On His Email Address: We Spoke On The Issue I Told Him All That I Went Through And He Told Me Not To Worry That Everything Will Be Fine Again So He Prepared The Medicine And Sent It To Me And Told Me On How To Use It,After 2 Weeks Of Usage I Went To See Doctor For Test ,Then The Result Was Negative,Am The Happiest Woman On Earth Today..Thanks To Dr Iyoha God Bless You, You Can Also Reach Him With This Details;


Call +1 (407) 337-9869
He also cure these virus
{4} Blood Cancer
{5} HPV
{6} ALS
{7} Hepatitis
{8} Vitiligo

john williams said...

I have been suffering from (SARCOIDOSIS) disease for the last four years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year,I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulate all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (SARCOIDOSIS) by this Man DR GODWIN and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to DR GODWIN telling him about my (SARCOIDOSIS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have cured,after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email DR GODWIN on sir i am indeed grateful for the help i will forever recommend you to my friends!!! with your lovely Email Address or you can also call him on this number +2349063798253

Unknown said...

I feel happy to bring my personal clinical experiences regarding the Naturalis Penis Enlargement Treatment. I have been practicing for the last 9 years both modern medicine as well as herbal medicine in different cases. So far, I have not come across a product like Priest Aluta Penis Enlargement Treatment, until i contacted Dr ISIKOLO which has shown very encouraging results in improving both sexual desire and function. I tested these products with diabetic patients particularly in whom sexual impotence is quite common. I found very good results in those diabetic patients who enjoyed increased sexual function and improved orgasms with the Naturalis Penis Enlargement Treatment. The herbs used in this formula have shown a positive effect on male sexual functions in terms of increasing desire and offering strong sexual enhancement. In addition, I found that product have shown a considerable increase in the tissue size of the penis and long erection irrespective of age. I feel that this formula can be recommended for those who need real sexual enhancement and better orgasms with a safe and natural effect. Contact him on Email: or whatsapp him on +2348133261196a

Anonymous said...

I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the past Two years and Seven months and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man DR Ezra and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of great help, so i wrote to DR Ezra telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have been cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr Ezra on or message him on WhatsApp on this number +2348116755255. Sir i am indeed grateful for the help.

Anonymous said...

I have been suffering from (HERPES) disease for the past Two years and Seven months and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i came on search on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from (Hepatitis B and Cancer) by this Man DR Ezra and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of great help, so i wrote to DR Ezra telling him about my (HERPES Virus) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the DR assured me that i have been cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE, So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr Ezra on or message him on WhatsApp on this number +2348116755255. Sir i am indeed grateful for the help.

Antonio Jefferson Cole said...

I am here to share my story on how i got cured from Herpes also cure from fibroid,i wonder why people still don't believe that roots and herbs are very essential and fruitful in different aspect,especially when you can't conceive and bear children. I am a living witness because I tried all I could to get rid of my Herpes but all to no avail,until I contacted Dr who is also a professor in herbal medicine ,who gave me some roots and herbs syrup and told me after my medication . within a short period of taking it,and the doctor confirmed that I am Herpes negative . I am very glad to tell the world that I am free from Herpes,contact him for your own testimony on: . or call/text (270) 693-5854.

copper westmoreland said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from (LUPUS VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of DR HENRY, i have been suffering from this disease for the past 2 years and 7 month without solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting their family just because of these diseases so you can to mail him on he also told me that he has cure for these diseases listed below:

Novak Wilfred said...

Last year I started on COPD Herbal formula treatment from rich herbs foundation, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 5 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, low energy, fatigue, chest tightness and others gradually disappeared. Visit rich herbs foundation via their web-site ww w. richherbsfoundation .com. This COPD treatment has improved the quality of my life greatly, i breath much better and feel comfortable doing so!

Anonymous said...

I’ve had treatment from a number of different doctors, Toronto, and New York, but Dr. Camala the herbal doctor is the best I’ve experienced. He’s very good at considering your whole situation, so he’s not treating the symptoms, but their underlying causes. My herpes is gone, i have run several test to check myself and am fully cured of herpes through the use of Dr. Camala herbal medicine. He is a very nice and understanding to talk to regarding health issues and i will advice you give him a contact, dont wait for whatever disease you have to bring you down without consulting Dr. Camala, he is good at what he does. email him: or whatspp him +2349055637784

celina jolly said...

I was cured of HIV with the used of natural herbs. My name is celina jolly and am from US. I love herbs so much. Most times, injection and drugs are just a waste of time. I was cured 8 months ago, i suffered from HIV for 13 yrs but with the help of Dr.Ogun herbal medicine, i was cured within few weeks of drinking the herbs he sent to me through courier delivery service. This same doctor also cured my Aunty from herpes, as soon as i heard she had herpes, i quickly refer her to Dr.Ogun and she was cured too after drinking his herbs.I have referred more than 15 persons to Dr.Ogun and they were all cured from their various illness. Have you taken herbs before?. You have spent so much money on drugs,injections,surgeries etc and yet you have no good result to show for it. Contact Dr. Ogun now, he is a herbalist doctor, i assured you of a cure if you drink his natural herbs. Dr.Ogun have herbs that cures Hiv, Herpes, diabetics, asthma, hepatitis, HBP, STD, cancer, chronic, etc. Contact Dr ogun through his Email address on: or WHATSAPP/CALL him on+2348104991149 . Please share the good news to other people once you are cured

Spell Home said...

I have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Ogudugu, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Ogudugu, and i advice if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct email address or for easy communication contact him on whatsApp him +2348139793075

I have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Ogudugu, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Ogudugu, and i advice if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct email address or for easy communication contact him on whatsApp him +2348139793075

Spell Home said...

I have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Ogudugu, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Ogudugu, and i advice if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct email address or for easy communication contact him on whatsApp him +2348139793075

I have been in relationship with my boyfriend for 2 year now and we were planning to get married soon and all of a sudden he left me for another girl, i really love this guy and never can imagine my life without him. I further tried all my best to get him back but all my effort to get him back in my life did not work out. It was on this faithful day, i came across some comments on a website about this great spell caster called Dr Ogudugu, so many persons claimed that he help them to renew their relationship and bring their ex back, i had to contact him because he was my last hope. I contacted him through his email and he assured me that in two days time my boyfriend is going to leave the other girl and come back to me and it was a very great surprise to see my boyfriend coming back to me after two days. I am so very happy today that he came back to me and i achieved this with the help of Dr Ogudugu, and i advice if you need his help too, you can email him on his direct email address or for easy communication contact him on whatsApp him +2348139793075

Jessica Ana said...

Am here to appreciate Dr Aba for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. since 3 years now I have been living with this virus and it has been giving me challenges, I was so perplexed cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning i was browsing through the internet then i saw several testimonies about Dr. Aba curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Aba on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine for me and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, why don't you contact him today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor. contact him via email; or whatsApp him on +2348107155060

Unknown said...

Glory be the Name of the( LORD JESUS)
My name is Elizabeth smith from UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN. I want to thank the Almighty GOD for using a herbalist man Dr sakura to cure my lungs cancer with his herbal medicine.
i have been sicking of Lungs cancer for the past three years,going for different kind of hospital to cure my Lungs cancer, I Always take treatment giving to me in the Hospital still yet no cure.Am a christian that always believe in God that one day He we surely hear my prayer.On a faithful day i was searching on the internet how to get cure from lungs cancer, i got a testimony from David Clara telling everyone about Dr sakura herbal medicine that cured her sister breast cancer and capable to cure any deadly diseases, i was scared because the doctor is from Nigeria, i contact Clara David about my problem that am facing for some years now she encourage me and tell me to contact Dr sakura that his a great herbalist that God has sent to her each and everyone of us.I have to give him a try, i contacted him and tell him my problem that am facing and he told me what to do which i did and also send him money for shipping the Herbs medicine to me true EMS delivery .i receive the herbs from the EMS office. i use it as Dr sakura instructed me too.
After some days of drinking the herbs medicine i feel changes in me the pain was no more,i went to hospital to see the result that the Doctor we give me, the Doctor was surprise the Lungs cancer was no more am really happy now that the (LORD JESUS) has finally hear my prayer .
i went back to Dr sakura and info him about the miracle he has done in my Life i could never forget .
My beloved brothers and sister if anyone of you or your relative is having problem that could not solve from the hospital please contact Dr sakura and save a soul
Via mail Or whats app Him +2348110114739 you can mail me if you need more information

Unknown said...

Glory be the Name of the( LORD JESUS)
My name is Elizabeth smith from UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN. I want to thank the Almighty GOD for using a herbalist man Dr sakura to cure my lungs cancer with his herbal medicine.
i have been sicking of Lungs cancer for the past three years,going for different kind of hospital to cure my Lungs cancer, I Always take treatment giving to me in the Hospital still yet no cure.Am a christian that always believe in God that one day He we surely hear my prayer.On a faithful day i was searching on the internet how to get cure from lungs cancer, i got a testimony from David Clara telling everyone about Dr sakura herbal medicine that cured her sister breast cancer and capable to cure any deadly diseases, i was scared because the doctor is from Nigeria, i contact Clara David about my problem that am facing for some years now she encourage me and tell me to contact Dr sakura that his a great herbalist that God has sent to her each and everyone of us.I have to give him a try, i contacted him and tell him my problem that am facing and he told me what to do which i did and also send him money for shipping the Herbs medicine to me true EMS delivery .i receive the herbs from the EMS office. i use it as Dr sakura instructed me too.
After some days of drinking the herbs medicine i feel changes in me the pain was no more,i went to hospital to see the result that the Doctor we give me, the Doctor was surprise the Lungs cancer was no more am really happy now that the (LORD JESUS) has finally hear my prayer .
i went back to Dr sakura and info him about the miracle he has done in my Life i could never forget .
My beloved brothers and sister if anyone of you or your relative is having problem that could not solve from the hospital please contact Dr sakura and save a soul
Via mail Or whats app Him +2348110114739 you can mail me if you need more information

Unknown said...

Glory be the Name of the( LORD JESUS)
My name is Elizabeth smith from UNITED STATE OF AMERICAN. I want to thank the Almighty GOD for using a herbalist man Dr sakura to cure my lungs cancer with his herbal medicine.
i have been sicking of Lungs cancer for the past three years,going for different kind of hospital to cure my Lungs cancer, I Always take treatment giving to me in the Hospital still yet no cure.Am a christian that always believe in God that one day He we surely hear my prayer.On a faithful day i was searching on the internet how to get cure from lungs cancer, i got a testimony from David Clara telling everyone about Dr sakura herbal medicine that cured her sister breast cancer and capable to cure any deadly diseases, i was scared because the doctor is from Nigeria, i contact Clara David about my problem that am facing for some years now she encourage me and tell me to contact Dr sakura that his a great herbalist that God has sent to her each and everyone of us.I have to give him a try, i contacted him and tell him my problem that am facing and he told me what to do which i did and also send him money for shipping the Herbs medicine to me true EMS delivery .i receive the herbs from the EMS office. i use it as Dr sakura instructed me too.
After some days of drinking the herbs medicine i feel changes in me the pain was no more,i went to hospital to see the result that the Doctor we give me, the Doctor was surprise the Lungs cancer was no more am really happy now that the (LORD JESUS) has finally hear my prayer .
i went back to Dr sakura and info him about the miracle he has done in my Life i could never forget .
My beloved brothers and sister if anyone of you or your relative is having problem that could not solve from the hospital please contact Dr sakura and save a soul
Via mail Or whats app Him +2348110114739 you can mail me if you need more information

Unknown said...

I grew up with asthma; I suffered sinus and respiratory infections my entire life. I started smoking at 16. When I was in my early 40s, my asthma was becoming increasingly worse. I was diagnosed with COPD at age 47. I am now 55. I quit smoking four years ago. The disease does not improve. My good days were far,i was scared that i wont survive it but i was so lucky to receive a herbal products from my step father who bought it while coming from South Africa for Rugby league,this herbal remedies saved me from this disease,at first it helps fight the symptoms of diseases and i was seeing good outcome,i had to use it for 13 weeks just as they Dr was prescribed and i was totally cure of asthma and COPD, do not hesitate to purchase from them they deliver across worldwide to

Ukraine & Russia Federation
New Zealand and Australia
CIS Countries
USA and Northern Americans
South American Countries
Europian Countries
African Countries
Latvian Countries
UAE & GCC Countries

Clara david said...

Clara I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was sicking of
breast cancer and her name is David Sandra I and my family have taking her
to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided to go to
the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I find a lady
called peter Lizzy she was testifies to the world about the goodness of a
herbal man who has the root and half to cure all kind of disease and the
herbal man email was there. So I decided to contact the herbal man for my
younger sister help to cure her breast cancer. I contacted him and told him
my problem he told me that I should not worry that my sister cancer will be
cure, he told me that there is a medicine that he is going to give me that
I will cook it and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how
can I receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me

That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid for
the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the courier
service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to, before the week
complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a dream to me not
knowing that it was physical I and my family were very happy about the
miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5 million us dollars the
herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad, but I don't know why he
didn't accept the offer, he only say that I should tell the world about him
and his miracle he perform so am now here to tell the world about him if
you or your relative is having any kind of disease that you can't get from
the hospital please contact or whatsapp him
+2348110114739 for the cure, he will help you out with the
problem. And if you need more information about the doctor you can mail me or whatsApp me +1845-652-1151

Unknown said...

I am a 59-year-old woman. My Parkinson's disease appeared at the age of 57. My symptoms, at the beginning, were fine tremors and rigidity with joint stiffness. My neurologist prescribed entacapone with levodopa, carbidopa, and pramipexole. I opted not to go on prescription medicines but decided on using herbs instead, October 18, 2017 after being on the herbs you recommended, i had a total recovery from Parkinson’s disease with this natural herbal formula treatment. The tremors, Shaking, Joint Stiffness has subsided. When I stumbled upon you guys, it was just pure instinct. And from that day on it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The caring that goes into explaining what herbs work for whatever ails me is astounding. In today’s world where so many are after a quick buck, selling without care, Natural Herbal Garden’s staffs amplifies the difference. I’m a believer in karma, and for generations to come, this is a herbal store that will be leaving it’s footprint in this world. Visit NATURAL HERBAL GARDENS official web site www. naturalherbalgardens. com A world of thanks to The Natural Herbal Gardens!”

Unknown said...

I was diagnosed with Emphysema. My symptoms included shortness of breath, dizziness, lack of oxygen to all body parts, numbness of fingers, no energy, no appetite, fatigue, and bloodshot eyes. I was living at a place that has mold and mildew in the air conditioning unit. I also smoked a pack a day for 20 years. The Pulmonologist started me on Spiriva and Advair plus nose sprays, to reduce symptoms and slow down progression but I could not tolerate them for long due to severe side effects so I opted not to go on prescription medicines but decided on using herbs instead, October 18, 2017 after being on the herbs you recommended, i had a total recovery from Emphysema disease with this natural herbal formula treatment. The shortness of breath, dizziness has subsided. When I stumbled upon you guys, it was just pure instinct. And from that day on it has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The caring that goes into explaining what herbs work for whatever ails me is astounding. In today’s world where so many are after a quick buck, selling without care, Natural Herbal Garden’s staffs amplifies the difference. I’m a believer in karma, and for generations to come, this is a herbal store that will be leaving it’s footprint in this world. Visit NATURAL HERBAL GARDENS official web site www. naturalherbalgardens. com A world of thanks to The Natural Herbal Gardens!”

Unknown said...

Hello everybody,
I don't just know the reason why some people is finding it difficult to believe that there is a cure for herpes, I have been suffering from herpes since last three years with my boyfriend but today I am happy that am cure from it with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba the great healer,I was browsing the internet searching for help when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr Aba cure his herpes I was so much in need of getting his treatment but after all Dr Aba brought a smile to my face with his herbal medicine. I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so my people out there kindly contact this great healer on his email address: please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine.once more contact him now: you can call him or whatsApp his number +2348107155060

BEN PAUL said...

I'm here to share to the worldwide that Dr Obulu is a Powerful Herbal
Medicine man. he is the only Dr that can cure your disease if you can only contact him and
let him help you. I was cured from my Hiv Disease. after suffering since 8
months but when i contact him on the internet. he gave me a Natural cure
that ended my suffering after using it for two weeks. i went to check
myself on the hospital and i was tested negative. I can't more happier but
to say thank you sir and i use this medium to say to everyone don't waste
any time to contact this powerful herbal Dr Obulu On any Kind of Disease he
is Ready to help you. You can reach him through Email:
( Obulu Cell Number:(+2349057519547) you can still add him up on WhatsApp He also have a herbal cure for Following
DISEASES,this is 100% Real
-DIARRHEA and so on.

Unknown said...

I was suffering from HIV and HERPES until i met with Dr.Ezra who permanently cured me. Now that i am cured i decided to share my testimony on the internet. This is my story, i have been suffering from HIV/HERPES for some years now and during this period i was taking series of medications but none seems to be working on me, so few weeks ago i went on a search on the internet to see if i could get any information on how to get rid of this disease. As i was searching i came across a testimony of someone who was cured from Cancer of the breast by Dr.Ezra so quickly i contacted him without having a second thought and he assured me that he was going to cure me. So he told me how we are going to go about it, after all the procedures and remedy given to me by him few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over my body, and when i finally finish taking the medicine i went to my doctor to confirm if really i was cured then he conducted a text on me, and my result came out Negative. So friends if you are suffering from any kinds of disease no matter how long it has been just contact Dr.Ezra on this Email Address: you can also call or whatsapp him on this Tel.No: +2348116755255 he said he has a cure to all manner of disease. Sir i am indeed grateful for your kind gesture.

mable joshua said...

I am really happy that i have been cured from (HEPATITIS VIRUS) with the herbal medicine of Dr Aba, i have been suffering from this disease without any solution until i came across the email of this doctor who have cure so many people with his herbal medicine, i also choose to give him a chance to help me and my husband, he told me what to do and i kindly did it, and he gave us his herbal medicine and direct me on how to use it, i also follow his instructions for use and he ask us to go for a check up after 1 week and 4days which i did, to my greatest surprise our result came out as negative, we are really happy that there is someone like this doctor who is ready to help anytime any day. To all the readers and viewers that is doubting this testimony stop doubting it and contact this doctor if you really have one and see if he will not actually help you. i am not a stupid woman that i will come out to the public and start saying what someone have not done for me and i know that there are some people out there who are really suffering and hurting just because of these diseases so you can mail him on or whatsApp his number on +2348107155060

Wanda Dancy said...

hello friends,am Wanda Dancy from U S A. God is be really good to me in my life, before people said there is no cure for Herpes, but today many people have now believe that there is a cure FOR HERPES can be cured through Africans root and herbs, our great doctors have finally found the cure of Herpes, many have get cured with the help of a great spell caster known as Dr Ose he's the one of the great spell herbal doctor in Africa and he has the cure on this disease H.P.V/TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5, human papilomavirus, genital warts, herpes, syphilis, cancer, hepatitis a b and c. high blood pressures, body disease, diabetics, epilepsy, HIV aids, pregnancy,ALS and many difference kinds of diseases, last month he share is Herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best spell caster in Africa, you don't have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this disease when the cure have already be found. in 2015 the total number of people living with H.P.V was 5.8 million but today the total number is now 2.0 million, if you want to get in touch with him in private contact him on this e-mail below: call and whatsapp him on +393512872745,so now contact him and get rid of your disease. immediately because this disease are not melt for us, with GOD all things are possible, so GOD has use this great dr Ose of dr Ose herbal center to let people no that this disease are not actually melt for us. and also here is my email address you can get in contact with me if you wish to no more about this great wonderful herbal doctor that has so much made me believe in him ok, so here is my email address thanks everybody and most especially you dr Ose of

Wanda Dancy said...

hello friends,am Wanda Dancy from U S A. God is be really good to me in my life, before people said there is no cure for Herpes, but today many people have now believe that there is a cure FOR HERPES can be cured through Africans root and herbs, our great doctors have finally found the cure of Herpes, many have get cured with the help of a great spell caster known as Dr Ose he's the one of the great spell herbal doctor in Africa and he has the cure on this disease H.P.V/TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 AND TYPE 4. TYPE 5, human papilomavirus, genital warts, herpes, syphilis, cancer, hepatitis a b and c. high blood pressures, body disease, diabetics, epilepsy, HIV aids, pregnancy,ALS and many difference kinds of diseases, last month he share is Herbal medicine in some medical hospital and now he is well recognize as one of the best spell caster in Africa, you don't have to be sad any more or share your tears any more on this disease when the cure have already be found. in 2015 the total number of people living with H.P.V was 5.8 million but today the total number is now 2.0 million, if you want to get in touch with him in private contact him on this e-mail below: call and whatsapp him on +393512872745,so now contact him and get rid of your disease. immediately because this disease are not melt for us, with GOD all things are possible, so GOD has use this great dr Ose of dr Ose herbal center to let people no that this disease are not actually melt for us. and also here is my email address you can get in contact with me if you wish to no more about this great wonderful herbal doctor that has so much made me believe in him ok, so here is my email address thanks everybody and most especially you dr Ose of

Herbs Solutions By Nature said...

Bronchiectasis can occur if your airways become damaged. Bronchiectasis Herbal Treatment is to prevent lung infections and relieve its Symptoms and Causes with proper Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis.

robert mary said...

I’m a citizen of United Kingdom, My younger sister was Sicking of
breast cancer and her name is Robert Jane, I and my family have taking
her to all kind of hospital in UK still yet no good result. I decided
to go to the internet and search for cancer cure so that was how I
find a lady called Sarah peter she was testifies to the world about
the goodness of a herbal man who has the root and half to cure all
kind of disease and the herbal email was there. So I decided to
contact the herbal man for my younger sister help to cure her breast
cancer. I contacted him and told him my problem he told me that I
should not worry that my sister cancer will be cure, he told me that
there is a medicine that he is going to give me that I will cook it
and give it to my sister to drink for one week, so I ask how can I
receive the cure that I am in UK, he told me
That I will pay for the delivery service. The courier service can
transport it to me so he told me the amount I will pay, so my dad paid
for the delivery fee. two days later I receive the cure from the
courier service so I used it as the herbal man instructed me to,
before the week complete my sister cancer was healed and it was like a
dream to me not knowing that it was physical I and my family were very
happy about the miracle of Doctor so my dad wanted to pay him 5
million us dollars the herbal man did not accept the offer from my dad,but I don't know why he did not accept the offer,he only said
I should tell the world about him and his miracle he perform so am now
here to tell the world about him if you or your relative is having any
kind of disease that you can't get from the hospital please contact or WhatsApp him +2347067393105 for the cure, he will help you out
with the problems.To get more information you can message me via email

Anonymous said...

Eleven months ago I was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I have had asthma all my life. I have just been to the doctors and seen a senior nurse who has told me I no longer have this lung conditions because Total Cure Herbal Foundation has given me a good health while using their prescription. My breathing is totally great and I don't feel I need the COPD inhaler anymore,i actually found the herbal foundation on guessbook i managed to give a try on the their herbs which totally save me from this chronic disease..Id like for you to give a try also by contacting them on
Totalcureherbalfoundation gmailcom

Celia Dave said...

I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in August of 2010. A precious friend told me about Dr Itua Herbal Center in West Africa,She gave me his contact number and email address,I contacted him quickly so he give me guaranty that his herbal medicine will cure my cancer and i will be heal forever I said Okay.I ask him about the process for the cure,he ask me to pay for the fees which i did and within 7 working days he sent me the herbal medicine then he instructed me on how to drink it for two weeks to cure.I told Gomez my friend about the herbal medicine so he gave me go ahead to drink it.So after drinking it for two weeks i was cured I'm so grateful and i promise i will recommend anyone with cancer to him and that what i'm doing.
Dr Itua told me he can cure the following disease.Cancer,Hiv/Aids,Herpes,Diabetes,Parkison,Copd,Hepatitis.. Here Is His Contact Info......[]

Anonymous said...

I have a patient who experienced a chemical burn (pesticides inadvertently sprayed in her face) to the pharynx and likely larynx and possibly bronchus. I cannot seem to get a specialist to look with a scope to determine the degree of burn. I had hoped to find a toxicologist who could understand the effects of the different pesticides used, because the ENT in our area seems to not have experience with chemical exposure such as this. This is a workers comp case, so finding specialists who will take workers comp. has been a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Last month June, I was told I had mild emphysema-Copd. I was shocked, I had only had minor breathing problems at times. However I had smoked for 17 years when I was very young and had quit over 38 years ago, when I developed asthma. I always heard your lungs were cleared 5 years after you quit smoking, but they don't tell you the damage is already done! Mild is not mild, I am on oxygen all the son purchased herbal remedy for emphysema from solution health herbal clinic ,which i used for 6 weeks and am totally Emphysema free ,all thanks to solution health herbal clinic, solution health herbal clinic also cure all type of disease in humans life..please Stop smoking! It will kill you. Contact solution health herbal clinic details E-mail: (

Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple said...

Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HERPES virus again. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HERPES) for the past 3 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Ogudugu helped someone in curing his HERPES disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. If you are having a similar problem just email him on ( ) or you can whatsApp his mobile number on +27663492930

Dr Ogudugu Solution Temple said...

Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HERPES virus again. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HERPES) for the past 3 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Ogudugu helped someone in curing his HERPES disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. If you are having a similar problem just email him on ( ) or you can whatsApp his mobile number on +27663492930

Natural Herbs Clinic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gorege vanisa said...

Am Gorege vanisa by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes for 7 years i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw mr josha post on how Dr abaka saved him from the VIRUS with his herbal medicine i contacted Dr abaka on his email address we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me through courier service and told me how to use it,after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test ,then the result was negative,am the happiest man on earth now. this testimony is real.thanks to Dr abaka God bless you. you can also reach him on his number +2349063230051.

jennifer said...

I want to share my happiness to the world on how i was cured from (HERPES VIRUS) by Dr Aire herbal , i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms, but i did not have that kind of money to buy the drugs.the one i used before did not cured me. on one faithful day, a friend of my in united kingdom told me about Dr Aire herbal, he told me that,it is the herbal treatment that cure is husband from hepatitis B and she told me that he have cure so many people from herpes virus with is herb medicine,then she told me to contact him that he we cure me with is herb . when i contacted Dr Aire, he gave me hope and say that i we be cure once i get his herbal, he send the Herbal medicine to me and i take it for 1 weeks and it seriously worked for me, i went to the hospital to check, my HERPES result came out negative. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that there is no cure for herpes that is Not true, just contact him and get cure from Dr JOHN healing herbs, he also have the herb to cure any kind of hepatitis B,C A. AND DIFFERENT KIND OF SICKNESS Remember delay in treatment leads to death.. contact Dr Aire on is email at (] or whatsapp him on is Number :+2347036740271 and he we cure you with is HEALING HERB MEDICINE , thanks to Dr Aire for cure me is healing herbs medicine

jennifer said...

I have large uterine fibroid and multiple fibroid all over my womb (womb measures 15cm). I had a uterine fibroid embolization in April last year. Before this treatment my womb measured 23cm. I still suffer every month with period pain, large blood clots and heavy bleeding. I was wondering if i would ever be okay, i try medications on hospital, the fibroid stay remain the same, my husband how has been taking care of me before abandon me, because i was unable to get pregnant for him, i was praying to God to help me out, i was chatting on facebook i saw a link, of a testimony of a man, on how Dr Aire help him to cure is wife fibroid, with his herbal medication, for over 6 years, after dr Aire treatment is wife she got conceive with in two months, that was how i make up my mind to contact him, when i contact him there was no respond for two days, i was waiting for his respond, the third day he respond to me, that was how i explain every thing to him, that was how we make am agreement on how to purchase the herb, the following week of it, he send the herb to me, he gave me instruction on how i am going to be drinking the herbal potion, for 21 day, after the herb got finish, i went to met my doctor in hospital, with the doctor report shows that the fibroid has finally reduces to 3cm, immediately i call Dr Aire with happiness and send the cope of the result test to him, after that he also send a fertility herb to me, i am so happy, i am 3 month pregnant now, for any one out there that is passing true this problem should whatsapp him on +2347036740271 or call him on +2347036740271 or Email,
.com, Dr Aire God we always empower you and bless you to do your good work to people.

Anonymous said...

GOD has certainly lead me here this hour because before sharing this I prayed he lead me to site where my testimony will become blessing to people lives. I found out 4years ago that I was infected with HIV because I was engaged to a man that i knew I should have never had in my life. Like most of us here the HOLY SPIRIT was warning me but I decided to do what I wanted . He never came out to tell me he had it I just happened to go through some old stuff he left at my house and there some antiviral meds appeared . I got checked and was diagnosed. It instantly felt like agony!!! The enemy tempt me with suicide,depression and all kinds of unhealthy emotion. I was looking for love in all the wrong places and people. The enemy kept speaking to me that my life was over.. But one day I quickly with tears in my eyes prayed to GOD for healing. And GOD showed me a vision that my cure is in nature I woke up prayed over it, gradually I started having passion for herbs then gradually I started using for treatment. One evening I think early February this year after my evening prayer I was on a site on herbal remedies for STD and a page was telling possible cure for herpes, then on peoples comments I saw testimonies of people telling how same DR yakubu have successfully cured them of herpes and he cured all manner of STD including HIV. I copied his contact.. .... That same night in my dream I was in the doctor office and the doctor telling me there’s been a mistake THAT I’M FREE FROM ANY DISEASE in my body. I woke up the next morning and prayed over it then contacted DR YAKUBU who immediately responded to me he talked to me and assured me of permanent cure if I finish taking certain quantity of his meds of which I ordered for immediately and started use. Within few weeks of use I noticed total relieved in my body system then went for a test and was confirmed negative and another test and the result was same. Glory be to GOD who cured me as he promised. God is real and he still saves humans through fellow humans. Reach DR YAKUBU through his e-mail;

Anonymous said...

GOD has certainly lead me here this hour because before sharing this I prayed he lead me to site where my testimony will become blessing to people lives. I found out 4years ago that I was infected with HIV because I was engaged to a man that i knew I should have never had in my life. Like most of us here the HOLY SPIRIT was warning me but I decided to do what I wanted . He never came out to tell me he had it I just happened to go through some old stuff he left at my house and there some antiviral meds appeared . I got checked and was diagnosed. It instantly felt like agony!!! The enemy tempt me with suicide,depression and all kinds of unhealthy emotion. I was looking for love in all the wrong places and people. The enemy kept speaking to me that my life was over.. But one day I quickly with tears in my eyes prayed to GOD for healing. And GOD showed me a vision that my cure is in nature I woke up prayed over it, gradually I started having passion for herbs then gradually I started using for treatment. One evening I think early February this year after my evening prayer I was on a site on herbal remedies for STD and a page was telling possible cure for herpes, then on peoples comments I saw testimonies of people telling how same DR yakubu have successfully cured them of herpes and he cured all manner of STD including HIV. I copied his contact.. .... That same night in my dream I was in the doctor office and the doctor telling me there’s been a mistake THAT I’M FREE FROM ANY DISEASE in my body. I woke up the next morning and prayed over it then contacted DR YAKUBU who immediately responded to me he talked to me and assured me of permanent cure if I finish taking certain quantity of his meds of which I ordered for immediately and started use. Within few weeks of use I noticed total relieved in my body system then went for a test and was confirmed negative and another test and the result was same. Glory be to GOD who cured me as he promised. God is real and he still saves humans through fellow humans. Reach DR YAKUBU through his e-mail;

Emily said...

Here is a great herbal doctor who cured me of hepatitis B his name is Dr. Iyabiye. I suffered hepatitis B for 11 years, I was very weak with pains all over my body my stomach was swollen and I could hardly eat. And one day my brother came with a herbal medicine from doctor Iyabiye and asked me to drink and I drank hence there was no hope, and behold after 2 week of taking the medicine, I started feeling relief, my swollen stomach started shrinking down and the pains was gone. I became normal after the completion of the medication, I went to the hospital and I was tested negative which means I’m cured. You too can be safe if interested. Contact: Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

Emily said...

Here is a great herbal doctor who cured me of hepatitis B his name is Dr. Iyabiye. I suffered hepatitis B for 11 years, I was very weak with pains all over my body my stomach was swollen and I could hardly eat. And one day my brother came with a herbal medicine from doctor Iyabiye and asked me to drink and I drank hence there was no hope, and behold after 2 week of taking the medicine, I started feeling relief, my swollen stomach started shrinking down and the pains was gone. I became normal after the completion of the medication, I went to the hospital and I was tested negative which means I’m cured. You too can be safe if interested. Contact: Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

Gloria Evans said...

Greetings to the general public, i want to inform the public how i was
cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Dr Afrid. i visited
different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Familiar, Zovirax, and
Valtrex whicmptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Dr Afrid cured them. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, i am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. I pray for you Dr Afrid God will give you everlasting life, you shall not die before your time for being a sincere and great man. Am so happy, you can also contact him if you have any problem, Email: or whatsapp or call him +2349057260738.

Maria said...

A quick note to let everyone know about the good work of doctor Iyabiye. My name is Maria and I was ones a HEPATITIS victim until i read about Dr. Iyabiye's herbal medication online, I contacted him for help and I got cured after I applied his medication. I am testifying to his medication because I want everybody to be informed so that hepatitis can be wiped out once and for all. Contact him through: Call/Whatsapp: +2348072229413

gjhmh said...

Am jeremiah, I am testifying about a great hebal man that cured my wife of hepatitis B and liver cirhosis. his name is Dr oniha. My wife was diagnose of hepatities two years ago, i almost spent all i had then, until i saw dr oniha recommendation online, and i call him, then he told me how to get the herb. You can call him on +2347089275769 or email him at

Unknown said...


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